First Failure

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Mizu POV

Around 2 days later after I battling that Giant Demon in Mt. Ohira, I focus on recovering my body and stamina.

I get even hungrier than usual since my body regeneration is a lot slower than humans were, so much that I somehow finish one whole dried human in a single sitting.

But thankfully, my wounds are all healed by the 2'nd day. I tried practicing some moves using my Katana, and it was the same as when I'm uninjured.

This will do.

Although originally, I plan 2 rest for at least 3 days. But I have 2 go because Kagaya-San gives me another mission.

And this time, I'm told that I'll be paired with someone.

(At Butterfly Estate)

Once I arrive, Amane-San was the one who greets me, since all of the Kakushi's are scared of me.

"We've been waiting for you, Mizu" Amane greets me personally.

"Yeah... If I may ask, where's the Kakushis?" I asked after we exchange bows.

"Apparently, they're still scared of you, so I took the initiative for the greeting. Please come in" She replied as we walked to Kagaya-San chamber.

To my surprise, I saw the red-haired girl waiting for me along with Kagaya-San as soon as I enter.

"Ah, you are the one from before. Is this fate?" I asked with amazement.

The red-haired girl didn't reply anything and simply blushed.

Kagaya-San then ordered me to sit down next to her and said

"Now that you two are here, maybe you can introduce yourself to each other first?"

Now that I remember it, I had absolutely no idea who she is. Despite this is our 3'rd meeting today.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss?" I said as I removed my mask.

"...Mayuri. It's Minamoto Mayuri" She gives her hand.

"I'm Mizu. I'll be in your care" I replied as I shook her hand. Compared to Mako, or Kumone yesterday, her hand is rough.

"I heard from Oyakata-sama that 'Mizu' is just your codename, right? What's your real name?" She asked me.

Ah, I knew this moment would come. But I must not let anyone know, even for Kagaya-San.

"Sorry. But I have several reasons to no longer use my real name-" I replied

"You owed me one remember?"

"Yeah, I do. But, this is not the right time..."


"Don't worry. If I had a change of mind, you'll be the one who knows first. Mayuri-dono."

"Stop being too polite, Mizu-kun. You can refer to me as Mayuri, without -Dono."

"O-okay... M-Mayuri-San..." I replied while stunned. That's a lively fellow, alright...

"There! Much better!" She put on a really charming smile


I can feel my face is heating up. This is the first time since...

"Ehem. So, can I continue?"

"My bad, Kagaya-San"

"Wait, how could you not refer to him as Oyakata-Sama?" She asked me in a shocked tone.

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