Fated Encounter (Part 02)

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Mizu POV

Before I realizing it, a human barrier is encircling both of us. I'm a liar if I said that I'm unimpressed. After all, the DS present is most likely still recovering from the giant demon attack even before I arrived. And the Kakushi's are now giving a crude burial to the corpses that's still there on the battlefield.

It seems like not only the DS and the Kakushi's are the ones who fell victim here, there are also several unlucky citizens too (or at least that's what Kitsu telepathically said to me). However, I have to focus on the enemy before me as he draws his sword and casts his gun away.

I guess the duel is on then.

Both of us stares each other in silence, as if we calculate when to start. The breeze within Omagatoki (Devil hours. Around 2 until 4 in the morning) didn't help me to relax either.

It then happens in a flash...


We both dashed at high speed and deliver a upward slash at each other.


Both Kitsu and that guy samurai helmet is thrown off the air

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Both Kitsu and that guy samurai helmet is thrown off the air. Now I can see the look of the guy who duelling me.

He has a blond hair with bichromatic eyes, one red and purple with a vertical scar on the red eye side. I don't know whether he had an European heritage or not due to his blond hair, but his Asian heritage completely visible on his thin facial features.

"He's strong..." I thought to myself as we both about to clash once more.

My blade and the blonde guy blade keep clashing with such intensity that the air around us becomes hot

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My blade and the blonde guy blade keep clashing with such intensity that the air around us becomes hot.

However, despite our best efforts (or so I thought), there's no wounds inflicted in either both of us. In terms of pure swordsmanship, I dare 2 say that this Blonde guy is on par with me.

Personally speaking, what differs me with this guy is the amount of reserve stamina we have. While I was panting once in a while, he's extremely fine and still on his prime. Although I'm not that sure since I battling that giant demon moments prior.

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