And there is this truth,
The world may or may not know,
but would never say out loud;
Everytime you voice out loud,
your words never fade and
dissipate into the thin air.
They break into syllables,
find themselves a place to escape
from your tangled stories,
and search for s p a c e s.Sometimestheygooutofspaces,
you'dfindyourselfinrain, collectingdroplets.
A t t i m e s t h e y' d b e g i v e n
m o r e s p a c e t o l a y d o w n,
a n d t h e r e y o u' l l b e
s h o w e r e d w i t h s t a r s, t o c o l l e c t.Either way, your words don't fade.
They find themselves spaces to be hidden.
Let them hide, rather than die;
and those who know the truth
are called poets, and lunatics.There always is this truth,
draped in the lie of going unheard.
There is the truth,
the world would never say out loud.
~ ©️ Sapphire Stella
Beautiful Lies
ПоэзияThis world we live in is so-filled with beauty and enigma. This is a place, fantasized with beauty, beauty of everything. Pain, sorrow, anger, desperation, loss, lies, everything. Everything here is beautiful. And, this world revolves a lot about l...