Chapter 26

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AN: A lot of pics. And FYI hair colors doesn't matter. Don't get confused by pics. A very long chapter 3000+ words. New year special.

Yoongi was somehow heart broken. He didn't expect jimin to date another person just after the kiss.

Did that kiss mean nothing to him.

Yoongi contemplated sighing in distress. He might have confessed at that time itself if jimin hadn't ran away.

Yes yoongi does know that he shouldn't believe those rumors right away. But he saw pics of him and jimin hanging out laughing and spending time. He couldn't help but believe those rumors.

He could feel his chest tighten, an uneasy feeling spreading across his chest making him uncomfortable. He disliked the feeling. He disliked the feeling of jimin with another person.

The day of Mini's departure has arrived. Everyone bid their good byes. Hobi's been busy so he got no time to visit her. She was sad but understood the situation.

"Yo yoongz! when are we leaving?" Mini asked straightening her blazer.(idk much about clothes sry if its wrong)

(idk much about clothes sry if its wrong)

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(Mini's outfit)

"Yeah!We'll leave in a few. But Hoba informed me that he is coming to meet you now. Will you wait or should we?" Yoongi asked.

"NO..I mean uh we'll wait. It's not like we are in a rush ha ha" mini said curling her hair with her finger laughing awkwardly.

'Huh!Thats weird' yoongi thought to himself. His phone dinged indicating that he got a message.

"Hoba will be here in two" yoongi said checking the message.

"Uh huh! I'll be right back" she said rushing to her room.

Hobi came right after mini went back in.

"Hey Hoba. How are you doing bro" yoongi asked welcoming hobi with a hug and huge smile on his face.

"Fine Hyung." Hobi answered.

Their conversation ended as they heard foot steps approaching them. There stood mini fiddling with her fingers shyly.

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