Chapter 19

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The next day yoongi woke up on an empty bed. He looked up to see jimin drying his hair leisurely sitting on a chair. The time was just 7:30am.

Jimin noticed that yoongi was up so he greeted him " Good morning Yoongi hyung".

"Ah! Morning. Why are you up this early. Its only 7 past 30." Yoongi said yawning.

The morning raspy voice. Jimin felt a shiver run down his frame.

"I.. um mom called me to help her in he kitchen so I woke up early " jimin said not turning to look at his hot husband.

"Hmm. But you don't know anything " yoongi snickered laughing.

"Excuse me Mister. I can learn pretty fast" jimin said a bit high puffing his cheeks turning to look at yoongi in a rather intimidating way by maintaining a stern form.

Yoongi cooed internally  at the sight of his husband's puffy cheeks.

"Mum is very good at cooking. Aagh! I'm starving." Yoongi said rubbing his stomach already drooling at the sight of his mum's cooking.

Jimin giggled " I guess cooking runs in your bloodline ".

"I don't know,maybe but Tae is a pretty bad at cooking. Please don't eat anything made by him. You might end up in hospital "  yoongi laughed at the memory of tae trying to saute onions but ended up burning them and his hand.

"I won't" jimin got up smiling at yoongi after completely drying his hair and styling it.

"I'll go now" jimin said and yoongi nodded both parting their ways as yoongi walked into bathroom to complete his morning chores.


"Ah jimin! Good morning" Mrs.Min welcomed jimin with a motherly hug. Jimin too greeted. "Come on" she gestured towards the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat jimin?" She asked politely.

"I don't know mom. I'm good with anything and yoongi Hyung said that you are a great cook." Jimin said smiling.

"Oh I'm flattered that yoongi is complimenting my cooking" she said.

"Hyung seemed to be very fond of your cooking. He is very eager to eat your food." Jimin muttered.

"It's been a long time since I cooked for my kids" Mrs.Min sighed sadly. Jimin rubbed her back slightly, sensing sadness in her tone.

"But now I'm here, I'll make sure they are well and good " she said grabbing the flour and eggs.

"We are making pancakes " she chirped loudly. And so they did. They made pancakes.

The breakfast was pretty fun for jimin to be honest. Laughter was filled in the room as jin was making dad jokes and Mr.Min joining him.

I could get used to this......
Jimin thought smiling mentally. The important thing jimin liked  about being a part of family  is to interact with them in any possible way. Even if it is silly.

Jimin might've had a very proper childhood but his parents were never home when he was younger. He grew up with his grandparents at a young age of 10 along with his brother and sister.

Every time he would try talking to them, they would always say excuses. But now,he felt like home, sitting with a group of members who he could call himseld My family ,those that dearly care about his existence and are very sweet to him.

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