Chapter 4: Warth

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That day, I realise I could never have what I wanted.

"Will you ever come back to Forks?" Mali asked, walking side by side to Irene. The sun was hidden by the clouds, allowing Irene and Mali to leave the town in daylight. They were walking in the forest, in direction of the closer town.

"When the time will come," Irene only said.

She was still unsure of when she could come back to the Cullen. Or if she could come back to them. Aro was after her for more than thirty year and he didn't seem to want to give up. Maybe, the only way for him to stop was for him to die? But could he? He was all mighty, followed by the largest coven of tve vampire world. It was nearly impossible to kill him. And alone, Irene stood no chance at all. It would be suicide.

"I would love to meet them one day. I could even be part of your coven!" Mali said, skipping joyfully.

"One day, maybe," Irene muttered, quietly.

Mali was a few feet ahead of Irene, looking amazed by the surroundings, the beauty of nature. The tree were high and as green as it could even be. Colorful flowers lied here and there, adding even more life to the magical place. Birds and winds were playing their beautiful symphony mixed with the music of squirrels and other animals. One good thing that came with vagabonding around the world was discovering new places, admiring new cultures. Sometimes, it even warm Irene's cold, not beating and shattered heart.

"How much can we see from up there, do you think?" Mali asked, looking at the seem of the highest tree they encountered so far.

"Let's see," Irene smiled, putting down her sport bag. She crouched down. "Come on,"

Without waiting any more second, Mali hop on Irene's back. The blonde vampire then did an very and extraordinary high jump that Mali couldn't hold a surprised scream. Irene hold on the trunk of the tree and climb it fast until reaching the seem. All along, Mali couldn't help but squealing and joyfully screaming, a large smile plastered on her face.

Irene crouched down on the seem of the highest tree as Mali widened her eyes in front of the magnificence of the scenery. A large field of green surrounding them. The wind was softly blowing against the leaves, even bending some trees. Birds were flying here and there. Towns and cities could even be seen. The world was so beautiful. It was a shame that it was disappearing.

"This is breath taking," Mali muttered, unable to take her eyes off the enchanting forest.

But her eyes then caught sight of Irene's skin. It was shimmering, reflecting the sunlight like a crystal. Being on top of the tree, sunlight could reach Irene easier. Even more since the blue sky was less clouded than before.

"You're shinning!" Mali exclaimed, amazing.

"Hold on," Irene just said.

Then, she jumped from the tree, Mali screaming on her back. Irene perfectly landed on her feet with a loud thud. Common human being would have had their bones broken from jumping such a height, they would have been dead, but it was just some tickling for Irene. She crouched down again, allowing Mali to stand on her own feet.

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