Chapter 16: Fortune Telling

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At this point, I was starting to lose hope. But we still have our luck fairy.

The atmosphere was even thicker, filled with more tension than it was before. Nerves were wrecked, anxiety was high, unknown was everywhere. Everything was unpredictable. No one could guess what would happen. No one could see how it would end up. No one could see the future. No one. Almost.

Emmett released Edward but stayed close to him in case he tried something. But Irene was sure Emmett too was battling with himself to not do anything. Again, they were all standing on high wire. One wrong move and it would be chaos.

Esmee seemed to asked something to Carlisle. He looked briefly at her and answered. Irene could hardly make out what they had said. They were whispered so low she nor the Volturi could hear. But with some lipreading, she guessed what they said.

"What are we gonna do, Carlisle?" Esmee had asked.

"We're not leaving without Irene. She's family." The leader said.

Irene was moved. It had been so long she hadn't been love by someone other than her brother. It had been so long she hadn't felt as if she belong somewhere. It had been so long she hadn't felt part of family. The Cullens were her. The Cullens were her family. She belongs with them, by their sides. Not with the Volturi.

"Aro, I'm sure Irene just defended herself." Carlisle said. "She would never go against your coven purposely."

"That, only us can judge." Caius said, his vile smile on.

Edward, Tony, Aileen and even Rosalie hissed at him. Irene knew it took them a lot to not go for an attack.

Then she noticed something. A small but quite suspicious interaction. Aro glanced at Jane. And Jane looked at Edward.

Irene understood.

"Pain." Jane said.

Edward then fell on his knee, groaning in pain. Irene's not beating heart stopped, clenched, sunk. She felt herself in pain too, as if she was feeling what Edward was feeling.

"No!" She shouted, fighting to free herself and run to Edward to be by his side. But the gards tightened their grip, preventing her to do so. "Stop it!"

Bella quickly stepped forward, focussing on Edward. She managed to shield not only him but also the entire party. Irene sighed in relief as Edward stood up, alright.

Irene then turned and glared daggers to the Volturi. They seemed taken aback, shook at the sight of Jane's power not working. The young blonde vampire looked at Bella, confused. Bella smiled, victoriously. Jane realized her powers were useless against her shield. She hated the way Bella was enjoying the scene. She stepped forward, ready to fight but Alec stopped her. Some of the gards stepped forward as Aro and Marcus exchanged a glance. The pack growled menacingly at them. It seemed to put Alec on the edge as be tried to use his deadly vapor but Aro stopped him.

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