Chapter 8: Old Friends

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A/N: I will post twice a week from now on. On Tuesdays and Fridays. I just thought it would be a good idea lol.



Irene stayed three month at Elric's to help Aileen mastering her gift. She made really good progress. She could change the gravity on zones or on herself. She had more facilities to use her gift on herself. So running on the ceiling or standing on the walls wasn't too much of a job for the dark haired girl.

Aileen was also pretty used to the vegetarian diet. Her eyes were golden now. However, it would be a lie to affirm that human blood still had no effect on her. During the few times she would wander outside the forest, near civilisation, she had struggles remaining calm.

She had also learn a lot of the vampire world. Its rules, its rulers, everything. She knew now who the Volturi were. Aileen wondered a lot how Irene end up in bad term with them. She remembered when Elric first mentioned them when she first arrived. He implied the Volturi were tve reason why Irene was not with her brother. What did they do? And there was also this constant mystery around Irene. Aileen knew absolutely nothing about her apart from the fact that she was a vampire, what her gift was and that she had a brother. Irene wasn't the type to talk about herself, Aileen noticed that. Yet, strangely, she trusted her. She couldn't explain why, but there was something about Irene that make Aileen trust her. She knew that, behind thag expressionless mask, Irene was deeply kind and good. Life must have not be easy on her.

Irene was back at traveling around the world. Even though the Volturi didn't have the slightest idea of the existence of wizards and witches, Irene still decided to leave Elric and Aileen to be sure that no unwanted people would come. Aileen had first insisted to come with her, but Irene refused firmly. The now four month old vampire was more than just grateful to Irene. The blonde vampire, while she didn't even know her, had helped her when she needed. She had shown her how to control herself, how to master her powers, how to adapt to such a life. More importantly, Irene had shown to Aileen how to not be a monster. And for that, the young Baines owed Irene a lot. She had an debt to her. And to pay it, she wanted to go with her on her journey to help her just like she did for her. But Irene was hard to convinced. So Aileen stayed with Eivor, with whom she had befriended, and was waiting for another opportunity to repay her debt to Irene. And that opportunity would come as Irene promised to visit them again.

Before Irene would leave, Elric gave her a small magical device. It was a small, palm sized device. It was a Cristal of Communication. It was linked to Elric's cristal ball. Thanks to them, they could communicate. It was mostly Aileen who used it to stay in touch with Irene. That was how they bonded, creating a strong and unbreakable friendship.

17th of December. It was an important moment of my life, but I didn't know it yet.

"You improved a lot during these months." Irene complimented. The two vampires where outside the house. Irene had came back around three months ago. It was already December now.

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