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Bet you's didn't think you'd be hearing from me. Suck on that Ickle Ronikins. I read all your letter and I have to say, what the hell.
Percy, Harry, my death was nobody's fault so quit blaming yourselves got it.
Percy tell the family your news because I'm pretty sure any good news would help you all right now. I don't blame you for wanting to be rid of our family, I know what you were trying to do. Bill was the smart one, Charlie was the brave one, George and so were the hot ones, Ron was the dumb git and Ginny was the strong one. You thought you were just Percy but you weren't not to us. Do you think George and I would have found our love of pranks if we hadn't had someone to pull them on. You Percy Weasley were the one who inspired us. It's okay for you to be happy, you should know I wouldn't want you to sad because of me, and Harry. I know your the chosen one and all that but you don't get to just mope around blaming yourselves for everyone who died in the war. Those people decided to fight because it was what was right, I decided to fight because it was what was right.
Dad, you haven't failed me and you aren't failing anyone else. I know I was your favourite son and that's a hard thing to get over but trust me you'll get through it, I know you will.
Mom, I love you but the extra place at dinner has got to go. You've got a house full of people and now you have two grandkids on the way you've got to make room, you've got to move on. You raised seven amazing children and now you've got to work on the grandkids okay.
Bill, your kids are going to grow up in a world that is safe for them. We fought for their freedom to never know the fear we knew. You don't have to be by their sides all the time and you shouldn't give up what you love because that will just make you resentful. You don't have to honour me, I've been honoured enough with all the sadness and gloom now you should all be happy. Use this birth to find light in the world again.
Charlie, all I have to say to you is a dragon. You named a dragon after me. I want it. Also I'm glad somebody has a positive outlook on things and I know that you think we didn't spend enough time together but that didn't matter. You were still my brother, you still deserve to grieve me.
Ron, your such a baby you know that. You really love something to give out about but guess what I was talking to Lavender Brown the other day and she said you were the worst kisser ever and she went out with Slimy from Hufflepuff so shut up. I know you miss me and all but at least try to tear yourself off Granger and help out.
Ginny, I don't take back what I said all those years ago. You were the strongest out of all of us, in magic and muscles. You were always there for me when I needed to talk and I know it's hard but you have to let George deal with this himself because right now you are both draining the life from each other. You didn't need me to be strong, you just thought you did. You were the best lil sis I could have ever had and I'm so glad that we weren't good enough for mom and she kept on trying to have a girl. George, what are you doing. I know it's been hard on you but you can't do this anymore. Everyone is a wreck because you are a wreck. Remember our oath "laugh we may till end of days" ye well your breaking it right now. We are meant to be the light in the family, the happiness and fun. You are currently the opposite of all those things. Come on Georgie, what about the joke shop. Remember how hard we worked, remember how much time we spent. Do it for me, keep going for me.
I love you all so much and no matter how much I made fun of you *cough* Ron. You were always my family and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Love, Fred

19 years later

Dear Freddie,

I wrote that letter years ago when I heard what my family was doing. I was wondering if you could deliver it for me, then I will be able to move on. What's been holding me back all these years is that I don't think any of them have moved on and I needed to make sure they were all right. It just became a cycle of staring through the trees each day, watching as my mom washed the dishes, making sure my dad went to work. Checking up on George and Ron in the joke shop, going to Ginnys games and watch Bill and Percy with their families. Charlie never needed my help he's the only smart one. Now that your here, now that your ready I think you can watch over them for me and maybe you could give them that letter. I'm glad George had such a smart and handsome son. The same of course can't be said for Harry what the hell kind of name is Albus Severus for a child, he is gonna get bullied so badly. Also I don't think his ones are too happy about Snivelus getting naming privileges. Anyways it was great to meet you and talk to you, to tell you things I don't think Georgie could ever bring himself to tell. Be good and remember when you steal the map off Harry what you have to say "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" and then my favourite "Mischief Managed"

Love Fred

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