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The front door chimes, Eric and Kevin enter the living room turning the lights on, since the room was now dark as the sunset early in the winter.
The second movie ended, I could feel the nightmares beginning to manifest themselves from the past few hours.

"Talk in the kitchen." Eric said implying he didn't want me to hear their business probably. Fair enough. Not like I cared tbh.
Juyeon left my side as well as the other boys.
Except from one.

One stayed behind as the door closed.

"Of everyone, you've chosen to trust Juyeon. That's a wrong move Y/N." He said cryptically, to which I almost chuckled.
"I don't trust him. But if I did, what's it to you?" I retorted not really caring if he snitched.
"You seemed too cozy, to be skeptic let's just say." He stood up and walked over, his red hair glimmered in the fluorescence of the light, he traced my jawline with his finger. I pulled my face away from his actions.

"You've just made a stupid choice. He's not who he seems to you Y/N"" He chuckled.
"Get your conniving hands off her." Juyeon stood leant against the door frame.
"Oh yeah. I'm conniving. Rich from you." Sunwoo laughed once again standing up right.
"You're still so immature." Juyeon walked further into the living room, the tension growing.
"Oh i'm just waiting until you 'accidentally' murder her too. You ignorant fuck." Sunwoo spat, this sent Juyeon over the edge.

Juyeon grabbed his collar and pinned him to the wall of the living room with a bang that rang through the room.

"You bring up shit like this again. I'll make sure you can't fucking talk to tell the story."

Juyeon was enraged, his eyes black, the veins in his neck pulsed in anger. I sat there terrified, my hands shook as i sat at the furthest away point on the sofa.
"BREAK IT UP NOW." Sangyeon walked in the living room, Juyeon let go of Sunwoo with a shove and stormed out of the room.
"You've got some explaining to do." Sangyeon tutted at the sight of Sunwoo, collar scrunched, head bleeding ever so slightly.
Sunwoo sighed and followed him into the kitchen.
"That's the first time Juyeon snapped like that since it happened." Hyunjae said as the boys who'd followed the commotion gathered.

I sat there collecting my thoughts, shivering and still so clueless of what happened.

I snapped out of my thoughts to a tap on my leg.
It was Kevin, "It's okay come with me, we can talk."
I got up and followed him, he brought me too his room. It was surprisingly cozy, warm lit, had random comfort items dotted around.

This guy was a mafia? seriously?

"Come sit down." He smiled and patted the spot on his bed opposite him.
"What just happened Kevin?" I spoke for the first time since I had called out Sunwoo.
"I agreed with the rest, that i'd tell you the story." He sighed, "I just don't know how to put it."
I nodded waiting for him to begin speaking again.

"Juyeon didn't have the best home life growing up, his mother ran away after his birth. Leaving him with his father, who was a raging alcoholic, committed numerous grand theft autos and ran into the law a lot. Even after Juyeon joined us, he insisted on remaining in contact with his dad. He never once turned his dad in, called him out, let him take money for alcohol, let him talk to him like a piece of dirt. We told him to cut ties, he wouldn't despite the fact his dad was violent to Juyeon from such a young age. Until one night, a lady who was driving her young child back from a soccer game collided with Juyeon's Dad. He was driving under the influence in a stolen vehicle. Juyeon had given his Dad money that night, which he spent on alcohol. The woman was killed almost instantly, the child fought for his life but never made it. Juyeon's Father passed away, two weeks later." Kevin kept a straight face and i wondered if that was it for the story.

"But how does this link to what happened downstairs?" I asked slightly confused.
"The lady he collided with, was Sunwoo's Mom and step-brother." He said bluntly, yet there was emotion behind his eyes.

I was in shock.

I zoned out, Sunwoo, if i went through that i would be the same as him. However it's not Juyeon's fault his father was so reckless and manipulative.
"This rooted deeper than I thought." I sighed feeling horrific about what has been brought up at the fault of me.

"Just remember it's not your fault. It's best not to talk to Juyeon for a few days, when he snaps like this, he takes it out on everyone and everything. Just leave him be. As for Sunwoo, he'll probably act as if nothing ever happened. Just ignore them both if anything happens." He smiled, the first genuine smile I'd seen in a while.

"Thank you Kevin, for saying all of this." I hugged him with gratitude, he hugged me back loosely.
"Anytime Y/N. I'm here to talk to when you need me." He said, to which i just smiled and left the room.

I walked up the corridor to my own room. I locked the door and sat on the edge of my bed. No Y/N angsty men are not your responsibility. I tried to convince myself, however I couldn't help but let the guilt eat away at the tears that fell down my face tonight.

Sunwoo, I didn't know whether to feel sorry for him or respect his hate for human sympathy. There's a reason he is the way he is , just like there's a reason for every other human action. He's been through hell, as well as Juyeon.
Juyeon, he made a bad decision, but it wasn't his fault. He was manipulated, perhaps he saw his Father as his only family. Therefore he had to compensate for someone who didn't deserve him.
They shouldn't fight over this, they're both as worse off as each other.

I slipped into clothes I could sleep in and drifted off to sleep. My tears dried cold, my eyes glued shut as they reddened and puffed with sadness.

I hoped they were both okay, but i had no idea why i cared so much...

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