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I was awoken by a clatter that erupted from the doorway of Juyeon's room.
It was the next morning and the sunlight vibrantly resonated through the seems of each curtain blind. In the doorway, Haknyeon stood seemingly awaiting something. "Yes?" I asked the black haired boy that stood menacingly leant against the door frame.
"Nothing." He smirked at me suspiciously, looking at Juyeon who appeared to be still asleep."It's 11am, y'all getting up today?"
"No." Juyeon sat up throwing a pillow at the boy in a fast pitch that hit him with an immense crash.
"An attack." He gasped throwing it back at him, causing me to giggle slightly at the dynamic between the pair.

As the door closed behind him, I swung my feet off the edge of the bed. Per usual, a pair of arms snaked themselves around my waist, preventing me from leaving. "Let me go, idiot." I chuckled loosening the grip of the interlocked fingers around me. "Nope."Juyeon chuckled from behind me, popping the p at the end of his sentence in exaggeration. I sighed, slipping out of his arms from underneath, the white covers beneath me allowing me to slide out with ease. "It's too early." He groaned sitting up from the bed himself. I laughed in response heading to get ready.


Downstairs, plans for the upcoming D day had only just kicked off. Sangyeon, Younghoon and Jacob were each gathered around the computer screen; staring intently and discussing different aspects of entrance. Hyunjae, Chanhee and Changmin were loading firearms, taking each out if their casings and stocking their black leather belts with encrypted bullets. Sunwoo floated between the two tables, telling the others what they needed and where they were going to station. Haknyeon was eating cereal on the side, Kevin joining his productivity soon after.

Juyeon followed me downstairs, hovering over the laptop to ask his whereabouts. Sangyeon looked up at me having noticed Juyeon's presence.
"Oh Y/N." He only slightly smiled forming thin line with his lips. "Can I speak to you for a second?"
"Sure." I smiled back as he stood from his chair, waiting for me to follow him into the living room away from the others. I looked at Juyeon, the now jet black haired boy nodded back reassuringly. It was unsettling getting taken aside by Sangyeon, he was the leader after all. An angry look from the man was enough to wither someone with fear.

Waiting for me to enter, he closed the door behind him and glanced back unknowingly.
"I wanted to speak to you because I don't know what's going to happen on Saturday. Ideally I need you out of this house but not with us. Both situations put you in danger, as the gang could easily redirect themselves and raid our base whilst we're gone." He sighed out, brushing his hands through the fawn hair that was swept lightly over his forehead. "So, if you're okay with it. I'm sending you with Sunwoo to a place of safety."

"You're joking." I chuckled out sarcastically, folding my arms sternly, "Why him of all of them?"

"Well, we need Juyeon's firearm skills with us Y/N. Sunwoo is a close contact assassin, we don't need him as much as we need the others in this scenario. He's also injured from our last targets, who managed to stab him in the torso twice, he's healed poorly since. He's our best bet to keep you safe and not risk our teams performance on that day by sending a valued skill with you." He replied, clearly stressed as he awaited the exact reaction I had shown.
I nodded thinking for a split second before gathering my thoughts to reply.

"I don't even think it's me you have to worry about telling Sangyeon." I exhaled shaking my head as I spoke, "Have you asked Sunwoo?"
He raised his head, cocking his eyebrow up attentively as I asked. "He didn't seem to have an issue with it." To this I was shocked, knitting my eyebrows together confused over the reaction from the boy I had expected.
The handle of the door lowered and Sunwoo entered the living room.
"Why don't you have an issue with this?" I asked in disbelief at the sudden attitude change of the boy who stared back with an absent expression.
"It's only for a day or two. I've lived with you for longer, plus you need to be out of the way." He retorted as if I was some sort of nuisance to him and his members.
"Listen, if I'm that much of an issue, you could just send me home. Back to my life, you were the ones that threw me in to the back of an SUV." I retorted, shocked at the way he spoke about me despite them being the ones that caused this.

"Sunwoo don't speak about her like that. Y/N I'm protecting you because I care about you. I also care about Juyeon, not because you're a nuisance. But because you need that protection, these guys are capable of more brutality than you think. God knows what they'd do if they got their hands on you." Sangyeon spoke with authority, his tone stern and pitch low causing both me and Sunwoo to fiercely drop the argument. I nodded looking down at my hands that I fidgeted with nervously.
"You'll leave tomorrow morning." Sangyeon stood up leaving the room with a dramatic exit that only made the left silence in the room echo louder.
Tomorrow morning was soon, I wouldn't see Juyeon for two days. That was scary to me, I hadn't got to know the others better for a situation like this to occur so soon.

"Don't worry too much Y/N. Everything will be fine." Sunwoo said the nicest thing he had done in a while, standing up and leaving the sofa arm which he perched upon. I would of smiled at him half heartedly had he left the room soon after.

I led myself back into the kitchen, Juyeon had taken over Hyunjae's place loading firearms. Standing behind him, I wrapped my arms around his frame to where he sat, my hair falling over his shoulders slightly. He turned his head to look at me, smiling brightly as I rested my chin on his shoulder.
"You know don't you?" I sighed solemnly shifting my weight from each foot to the other.
"Yes. But don't worry Y/N, i've spoke with him about everything. He's all talk when it comes to Sunwoo. Don't take anything he says seriously." He whispered in a lower pitch so the others wouldn't hear, pecking my cheek afterwards. This earned a disgusted look from Changmin who sat opposite, Chanhee laughing at the expression plastered on the boys face next to him. I beamed back giggling slightly, once again ignoring the feeling someone across the room was watching.



i love haknyeon pls.. underrated side character !('')!..

wooo! i'm doing better with updates again.. oh i'm on break after next week so i'm gonna be able to update more (*ω)ᵉᵉᵏ..

hope your friday is treating you well ! also stay warm if you're also in a winter climate atm!.. it's been so cold on this side of the globe and it's getting colder this week <3 .. ( ω )

happy weekend y'all !..

clover <3

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