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Swiftly throwing the duffle bags into the back of the SUV, the guns and ammo clattered lowly. Hyunjin and I took the same car as Han and Eric to the warehouse. The metal doors behind me closed with a jarring slam as I took the wheel. Starting the engine, I backed the car out of the lot after Sangyeon. Beginning the journey, we had each used different vehicle models and plates. We spread ourselves out across the stretching lanes of the highway to avoid any signs of suspicious activity.

Silence resonated among us for the entirety of the short journey, glancing over at Hyunjin - we shared an unsure glance. The area we'd arrived in was run down, the corrugated metal of the warehouse had rusted and tainted a dark copper color. The grassland surrounding the lonesome building, was completely desolate. Low lying echos of the odd vehicle passing, was the only sound that broke that sinister aura that sank upon us.

Leaving the SUV, I keenly retrieved the duffle bag from the trunk. Recklessly slinging a semiautomatic rifle beneath my arm. As a pair, we then hung lowly and each were beginning to get into our positions around the building. Touching the very edges of the rotting grassland, a minuscule concrete hut had been the best place to settle and shelter ourselves from the naked eye. A small window revealed a wide building access, facing me and Hyunjin directly to the targets.

On the roof, Sangyeon and Minho were now stood firmly in their places. Signifying to everyone positioned around that it was time. Chan and Changbin on the inside of the building stood ominously pacing. Chan held a silver brief case between his whitened knuckles. Its sapphire and velvet lining could of convinced anyone that it had contained valuables. Little did they know, it was completely filled with trapped air and conniving laced deceit.

The moment had dawned upon us...

The hideous creaking of the gates and furious revving of an engine growled throughout the area. Particles of dust flew wildly, as its lashing tires came to a halt in front of the towering warehouse doors. We carefully watched as Sangyeon held up his left hand from the roof, signaling they'd entered the building. Nodding towards Hyunjin, we shared a moment before taking aim. In the building, the targets appeared, the 3 remaining members of the rival group cockily strutted towards the pair.
"Hand the money over." The leaders voice boomed throughout the large space, bouncing off the decrepit tin walls.
"Sure thing." Chan replied and smirked as he threw the brief case over. As planned, at this moment both of our guns clicked - ready to fire.
Opening the brief case, they were quick to realize there was nothing for them in the small container.
"What kind of joke do you-" The leader began before I fired the first bullet on cue.
The gun echoed with a piercing crack that shot through the area.
Falling to the ground, I had never missed a shot. The leader dropped limp, a crimson red oozing on to the floor beneath him - leaking into a wallowing pool.
Before the two remaining members could scatter, Hyunjin shot the second bullet. Hitting the left sided companion with an aching smash against his skull. Once again, lifelessly falling to the ground beside his leader.
Reloading my gun, I hovered over the trigger as the last member began to dash towards the exit. Aiming slightly in front of the panicked man, I shot the bullet. Hitting him seamlessly, the man fell to the ground with a blood curdling scream that dented the walls of the surrounding room.

Obscure noises arose from the overgrown grasslands behind us. Both me and Hyunjin turned in fear, as the weeds shuffled and swayed.
It wasn't long before I was tackled to the ground with overwhelming force. My hands had been pinned to the ground by somebody who hovered over my body. As a result, knocking the m16 out of my grip by a few meters. A black haired boy held a blade against my throat, the unmistakable jet black persona of Choi San. He pressed harder before curving his sly and psychotic lips into a small smirk.
"Any last words Lee Juyeon." He chuckled leaning down to my level ready to end me there and then. I choked for air, my trembling hand hopelessly stretching across the concrete. I attempted to grab the rifle to knock him out, but frustratingly it was just out of reach from my frame. San snatched it from beside me, holding it behind him childishly. From this, any power or defense I had left, had now been completely obstructed.

Closing my eyes ready for the end of my reign, I thought of Y/N. I hope she would be able to live content without me. If it all ends here, I hope I satisfied her in the time we've been together. No longer would I be able to see her eyes glisten in the moonlight, see her hair blow free in the wind, grow old and live well with the girl who helped me see the world for what it truly was.
All these thoughts, the memories running through my mind. The first tear I had shed since my Father's incident, fell down my cheek slowly.

I think I was prepared for my inevitable and pending death...

However that moment never came, with an impacting rumble, San was threw off me chaotically . Hyunjin had tackled him, falling beneath him in the process. Pinning the knife against his throat, I stared as San now threatened the boy who had just saved my life.
"JUYEON GO." Hyunjin yelled as he cried out from the pain of the resting blade. San smiled down at him; as if the sight was endearing. "She needs you, you have someone to live for. I'll be fine, just promise me you'll go." He choked out beneath him.
He wanted me to leave, as much as I wanted to stay I was inferior to the armed male.
"Juyeon!" A yell caused me to whip my head around from the pained sight beneath me. Kevin pulled up in the SUV beside me, hurrying me to get in.
"I'm so sorry Hyunjin, thank you for everything." I whimpered in horror, backing away as he continued to tell me to go - smiling half heartedly despite the grim ending he was subject to.

Before San could grab the air rifle to shoot, I rushed to the passenger side getting in with an abrupt swing. Kevin whipped away from the scene, speeding past the members who were tirelessly fighting with various and outnumbered Ateez members.
"We need to go to Sunwoo and Y/N." I said to Kevin who had now passed the gates and pulled on to the main highway.
"Where else would we be going?" He sighed clutching the steering wheel in the aftermath of the adrenaline rush.



did i cry whilst writing this ?.. _ maybe..

however, i read so much violent and action fiction to try get a grip on how i should write this.. i hope it came out well i'm not the best!.. at this kind of stuff anyway.. ''

please don't go to sleep uneasy if these events have upset you!.. i have other books such as my new book 1984 which is super light hearted and fun natured!.. juvenile is there too!.. listen to some music and wind down.. ♡︎

sending you plenty bundles of my love .. ♡︎

clover <3

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