Sleepover Pt. 2

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Sam would make a terrible tour guide, Heather reflected as the two teens made their way through the mansion at a break neck pace.

Any onlooker would likely agree. Sam was going much too fast for Heather to stop and admire any part of the house. At best she would catch a flash of red hair in the distance, but more often than not it was the sound of Sam's carrying voice that told Heather where to go.

Even with a her bulky diaper pushing her legs apart, Heathers stride could not be considered slow by any means. Yet she couldn't believe how fast Sam could move. It was both impressive and annoying. All that Heather seemed to be gathering from this "tour" was a general sense of direction of the house, which was still shaky at best.

In the brief chances that Heather did manage to get a glimpse of her surroundings, what she saw seem to come straight out of an HGTV special. The kitchen alone likely cost as much as Heather's own house, both due to its size and glamour. A home theater they ran through ha da screen larger than a many small town theaters Heather had been to. Yet to cap it all off, a grand staircase made entirely of pine stood proud in the foyer, ending in a balcony overlooking a sprawling backyard. It was not fun to run up.

As the "tour" continued, Heather found herself increasingly embarrassed that she couldn't find even one bathroom to change in at her arrival. It seemed like she couldn't run twenty feet before passing one.

After running for almost a half hour, which persuaded Heather that maybe Sam had a legitimate reason to move so hastily, the girls turned a familiar corner, around which was the nursery where they had departed from. Sam just stood grinning as she let Heather catch her breath, hands on her knees.

"So now that you've seen the gist of it, can we move on to something more exciting? You any good at Smash Bros?"

Still trying to catch her breath, Heather looked from the ground to Sam. "First....answer me one question about the house.....I think I've earned at least..... that much."

Sam rolled her eyes. "I suppose. Hit me."

"What the heck is a nursery doing here in the house? I didn't think you had any younger siblings."

As Sam began to speak, Heather noticed that she began to grab her hair and twirl it between her fingers, something Heather had never seen her obnoxiously confident friend do before.

"When my family first built the house, I was around five, and mother was six months pregnant...we had just found out it was a girl. I was really excited. I remember both mother and father agreed to let me pick out stuff to fill it the room with, because I couldn't stop talking about how much I was going to play with her. There was finally going to be someone in the house with me besides the maids while Mother and Father were off going to parties who knows where."

Sam paused, and grabbed her hair tighter. A subtle pained expression made its way into her features.

"Well, turns out miscarriages are a lot more common when the mother consumes a significant amount of alcohol while carrying. After that, the room just sat there."

Heather immediately regretted asking.

"Sam, that's...that's horrible. I'm so sorry." Heather didn't know what else to she could do. I should be more carful with what I say in the future. Just because she acts invincible doesn't mean she doesn't have demons, Heather told herself.

"Yeah, well, it was a long time ago. I've grown up since then. Plus, it's not like I ever knew her or anything. Shit happens, and you deal with it."

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