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Hello readers! As always, sorry for the ungodly wait. I had promised a release date for this chapter earlier than I could actually deliver, and while this is about two weeks late, I hope the quality of the chapter makes up for it.

This has honestly been one of the hardest chapters for me to write as an author, for various reasons. None The Wiser has always been about walking the line between realism in character, and idealism in outcomes. I will say no more, but keep it in mind for the past, present, and future of the story.

All that aside, without further adou, please enjoy:

                  Chapter 12: Honesty

     It was the best kiss Sam had ever had, and the first she had shared with another girl. Yet it became immediately apparent that something was wrong. Opening her eyes, the girl felt her heart fall through her stomach. Heather's eyes were wide open, her whole body was stiff.

     Sam stammered backward.

     No no no no no. What have I done. Oh god oh god.

     For what seemed like the millionth time that day, the redhead began to tear up. She couldn't look at Heather. Not after what she had just done. She had ruined everything.

     So she ran, tear ridden and hiccuping, finding her way blindly to the nursery, where she slammed the door, crawled into a corner and cried. Somewhere between sobs she realized a dampness was growing around her groin. Sam managed to let out a laugh before letting the heartbreak take her again.

     It took Heather all but two minutes to find Sam, or at least some of her red hair peaking out from under a pile of stuffed animals. Besides the ungodly cries coming from underneath the pile, it was a great hiding spot.


The crying suddenly stopped, leaving a strange silence to fill the room. Eventually, Sam's voice, weak from crying, let out a muffled response.

"Go away."


"I said go away!"

Heather walked to the stuffed animal pile and picked up a stuffed bunny, revealing the tear riddled girl beneath.

"Sam, I'm not going anywhere." Heather said softly.

Without the energy or tears to cry much more, Sam just curled her head into her knees, and tucked herself into a ball, sniffling. But minutes passed and Heather was still standing against the wall next to her, the smell of the mess in her uncovered diaper announcing it's presence. Sam finally managed to speak to her, avoiding eye contact.

"Don't you want to change soon?"

Heather shook her head. "Not until I know you're okay. Besides, you know I don't mind the feeling. I'm more concerned about you to be honest."

"It doesn't matter."

"Of course it does Sam."

Sam finally met Heather's concerned gaze. "Not anymore. I blew it. I ruined a perfectly good thing because I was stupid enough to think that you felt the same way I did. That we could actually..." She trailed off.

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