Education Pt. 2

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"Are you wearing one right now?" Said Sam, staring questioningly at Heather.

"Wearing what?" She replied tentatively, instinctually pressing her knees together, causing some of the warmth from Heather's recent wetting to escape from her padding.

Sam's expression turned quizzical. "I thought it would be obvious. You know- " her voice returned to a whisper, "One of the diapers you bought when I was at work? I've never met someone so young with incontinence before."

"Wait what?" Heather was caught off guard.

"You know, not being able to control when you go-" Sam's eyes went wide, "Hang on... your not incontinent are you?"

Heather, realizing she missed the perfect cover story, just sat, like a deer caught between headlights.

"So why else were you in a full diaper on Sunday, that doesn't make any sense...unless?" Sam turned back to Heather. "It wasn't an accident?"

Not a word was spoken for quite a while.

Finally, Heather couldn't take the silence any longer. In a near whisper, Heather asked ashamed, "You promised you wouldn't tell another soul right?"

"Yes..." Sam said with an oddly curious nod.

"Well, I know it's really weird-"


"But I guess I sort of like...wearing... and using...them. The diapers I mean." Heather spoke as if speaking each syllable was the equivalent of stepping on a hot coal.

Sam just sat, nodding.

Heather realized she should probably go on.

"I know it's really gross a-and I'm super ashamed of it, but I-I suppose I've wanted to use them for as long as I can remember."

Now that the confession had started and the jig was up, Heather began a downward spiral, word after word leaving her mouth, coming from somewhere, faster and faster, the whole disgusting, invigorating, shameful truth.

"I only tried them like two days ago and-and ...hick... I'm still trying to figurethese feelingsoutand-andIunderstandifyouthinkI'm aterribleperson and ...hick... I'll stopandIwon'tbotheryouagainand-and-"

"Heather, stop it!"

It was then that Heather realized then that she was crying.

She also realized Sam was hugging her.

"It's okay Heather, it's fine, really!"

"Are you ...hick... sure?" Managed Heather, trying to grasp at the reality that was now unfolding.

"Yeah. I mean, I guess I'm not sure I completely get it, but just because you like something strange doesn't make you a bad person or anything. It's not hurting anyone right?"

", I ...hick...guess not..."

"See!" Sam stopped and thought hard about something for a minute. "Tell you what, why don't we have a sleepover this weekend? My parents won't be home so you can wear your diapers there without anyone to judge you or find out, and we can talk some more about all this outside of school."

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