The weird taxi driver

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We saw the taxi and waved at it. We put the luggage in the back and seated ourselves. We were all silent until the taxi driver spoke:

Td:Yall are so cute together! Are you a couple?


Hyunjin: Ummm... Not really... Were siblings haha..

Td:Oh sry I just thought yall are cute hehe..

His awkward laugh made everything worse.Then I asked him:

Y/n:Do you like Korea?

Td:Umm not really.. Theres a lot of bad people in this country..especially my wife. She fell from hell..

Y/n:Really what happened?

Td:She cheated on me twice, murdered her children which I made, and told everyone Im gay.

I was shocked. But mostly afraid for my life in this country. I looked frightened at Hyunjin and he looked at me with the same look.

Y/n:Are you gay?Nothing wrong with that of course hehe..

Td:Oh no honey Im fictiophilian haha.

(Attraction to ficitonal characters: Harry Potter, Legolas, Eragon, etc.)

Me and Hyunjin were getting real conserned rn.And I guess the driver did too.

Td:Dont worry Im not going to do anything to you haha.

Hyunjin: Dont worry we wouldnt even let you.

That scared the taxi driver so much that he gulped and drove a little faster.I decided to ask him another question.

Y/n:Umm is your wife in prison now?

He decided to stay quiet. Hyunjin smirked at me and said:

Hyunjin:Answer her.

I swear no one has spoken more frightened and quick at the same time.

Td:Shes escaped prison:/

Y/n: Yep thats enough, leave us right there.

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