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"If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor." -Eleanor Roosevelt


Life is the most unpredictable thing. You don't know what will happen the next second. But we still live everyday like there will be no end to it. We forget, that the day we were born, the same day our death was decided.

I was 5 when I realized that my mom and I were the only one for eachother. I saw other kids with their parents but I only had my mother. She was my life, my reason to live and my reason to smile. I was very young when I realized that I was different from others.

At a very young age I was able to understand the circumstances of my mother's life. I never asked her about my father as I knew it was not easy for her to answer. I saw the pain, grief and suffering in her eyes.

She was an independent and strong woman. She always taught to be autonomous. She passed on her virtues to me. She taught me never to bow my head infront of someone who was not worthy of the respect. She taught me to speak my mind.

She taught me to always keep my head high. She taught me to live a life with pride. Whatever I am today is because of her. She was not just my mother, she was my mentor and my first teacher. She was my best friend and my biggest well wisher. I still miss her everyday.






The knocking on my door brought me out of my reverie of thoughts. I left my books on the table and opened the date. My mother passed away six months ago. As I don't have any relative, so I didn't had anyone else to rely on. My mother had brain cancer and she peacefully passed away on a sunny day with a smile on her face.

Her death gave her relief from all the pain. I was happy for her as she was now in a better place. For me it was not shocking as I was aware about the severity of my mothers health. I was happy that she is now free from all the pain.

I am twelve years old and I know how to take care of myself. I learned to cook when she was alive. She also left a good amount of money for me. When she realized she had only little time left, she taught me everything that was needed to survive.

She knew I was smart and she wanted me to live a happy life.

I opened the gate and was greeted by a lady, who must be in her mid thirty. She had raven colour hairs and big round eyes. She was quite beautiful but she was nothing compared to my mother. She smiled at me.

"Are you Baekhyun?" She asked. I looked at her and could she she didn't had bad intentions. I nodded.

"I am Kim Baekhyun. How can I help you miss?" I asked as I looked at her. She smiled before she took me in her embrace. I was quite shocked but didn't moved away.

"I was so scared, I thought I lost you Baekhyun" She said as she was crying. My shirt was getting wet from her tears. She moved away and looked at me before she ruffled my hairs.

"You are so big and good looking. Eunjoo was so blessed to have a son like you" She said and she again cried.

"How do you know my mother, Miss?" I asked her. She looked at me for a brief second and sighed.

"Do you know who you father is?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Mr. Byun Min"I replied. She was shocked, she took some time to compose her self before she again looked at me.

"I am Mrs Byun jisoo, your step-mother"She replied as she looked at me with those guilty eyes. But she was also a victim of my father deeds but my mother was the one who was betrayed and cheated by the man.







"Baekhyun, Kyungsoo fiancé is coming today. You didn't met him last time. You can meet him today" Mrs Byun told me as she happily smiled.

"Mrs Byun I have some work today. I won't be able to meet him today. The wedding is two weeks later, so I will meet him on the wedding. I have asked for leave for kyungsoo's wedding. I am really sorry Mrs byun" I said as I looked at the lady infront of me. She is now in her mid forties. Some of her hairs has turned gray. She now has wrinkles but she is still beautiful.

She gave me a sad smile and nodded. I felt guilty but I genuinely have work. Even after eight years I still don't considered myself as a member of Byun family. I still use my mother's surname.

Mr byun, my biological father and I don't talk much. I never called him dad, for me he is Mr Byun, my legal guardian. We don't have any other relation. For Mrs Byun Jisoo, she is a kind and loving lady but she never tired to take my mothers place. My elder step-brother Byun Kyungsoo is no less then my own brother. He accepted me the very second when I was brought here and I also accepted him.

He loves and I do the same. I care for him a lot but still I don't involve myself in the personal matters of BYUN'S. My brother is getting married and I am happy for him. But I don't join any of the events related to byuns.

I have not seen his fiance. His marriage is an arranged marriage and I don't think I am anyone to intervene. He is happy and I don't care much. On his engagement I had a meeting with a publisher so I was not able to attend it.

And today Byun's are hosting a dinner, Kyungsoo fiance and his family is coming. Mrs Byun asked me to join it but I really have an important work so I can't attend it.
I smiled at Mrs Byun and informed he that I won't be coming back till midnight and left.





"Hey baekiee" My stupid friend Chen said as he smiled. I sighed and smiled back.

"Why are you so serious dude. You should smile more. I don't get why you have to be so serious all the time" Chen said as he punched my shoulder lightly. I shrugged and moved to my table and started my work.

"Dude you just ignored me. You ignored the all mighty Chen" He said as he moved his hands to his heart and looked at me with those puppy eyes. I sighed and looked at me.

"Chen I have to finish the manuscript by today and you have to edit it. So get to work,okay" I said as he looked at me and huffed and left for his table.

I sighed at his childish behavior. I meet Chen in University. We both are University students and work in a publishing house. He knows about my anatomy with byuns. He a rare gem. He may be childish but is am amazing human being.

I published my first book when I was 18. My book "The secret behind the smile" was the real story of my mother.When I was young, my mother recognized my expectations skills in literature. She always use to ask me to write a book on her life and my first book was about her . Hope she would be happy.

I smiled and started working on the manuscript.


Hello everyone,
A new journey. A new book.
Hope you all like it and give it the same love.

Lots of love ♥️
Take care and wear a mask 😷

Date -30/12/2020

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