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“The true secret of happiness lies in the taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.”– William Morris


"Chen are you done?" I asked him as I was done with reading the manuscript and Chen was responsible for the editing if needed. I looked at him he was earnestly focusing on his work. I wanted to laugh his all serious face.

"Five more minutes baekiee, than I will be done" He said as he replied to me even without raising his head to look at me.

"Okay" I replied as I decided to use my time to write the book I am currently working on. My first book " The Secret behind the smile" was a big hit. But I kept my identity hidden. I use the name KimB when I publish my work.

My life is not really depressing or gloomy but it is quite happy. All the credit goes to my mother, even if she is not here her love and teaching has been guiding me through the road of life.

I am even grateful to Mrs Byun that she took me in and never forced anything on me. She accepted everything, she never treated me less then her own son. And Kyungsoo Hyung has always been so supportive. Hyung is a doctor as his father wanted him to be.

Actually he wanted to be chef but his father forced him to be a doctor. He's my father as well but I never acknowledged him nor I will. My naive and innocent mother suffered so much because him. Being a woman with high self respect, when she got to know how my father played with her and her life, she decided to left him.

She always told me live a life with pride and dignity. About my father, On the very first day when I moved with Byun's, I informed him correctly and precisely that I don't have any father. My mother was both my father and mother.

A man like him don't regret anything beacuse he just loves himself. He cheated on both Mrs byun and My mother. He was already married when he started courting my mother. My mother was an orphan and just wanted a family. When she found him she was really happy but her happiness didn't last long.

He used a different name and identity when he was with my mother. My mother gradually got suspicious and her suspicion was correct. They were in a relationship for two years when she one day saw him on the newspaper with Mrs Byun jisoo and Kyungsoo hyung. Hyung was five years old at that time.

She wanted to know the truth and met My father with his first wife. She was so shocked she wasn't able to utter a word. Mrs Byun Jisoo also had her suspicion on her husband and that day they both realised they both were being played by the same men. My mother couldn't accept that she was breaking a family. It hurt her self esteem and she ended everything with my dad and moved to an small village far away from Seoul.

After she left him, she found she was pregnant as she always wanted to have a family of her own, she had me with all the love and happiness. Before leaving she apologized to Mrs Byun Jisoo and told her everything how she was played, Trapped and cheated by the one she thought loved her.

Mrs Byun also realised that my mother was very young and innocent. She was 20 when she had me. She never told me these things but once my mistake I read her diary, I found her pictures with that man. She was so happy in those pictures.

It was a big blow for her but she recovered and lead a dignified life. Mrs Byun couldn't leave her husband. The pressure from her family was too much and she is still married to him.

Kyungsoo hyung was five when he learned everything. He never hated my mother or me and so do I. But I also don't have any relation with them. They are Byun's and I am Kim, Son of Miss Kim Eunjoo.

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