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I just finished my classes and was heading to my part-time job when I received a message from Chanyeol.

"Baek I have my Night shift today."

I sighed, he promised to make tteokbokki for me today, so no tteokbokki today. I had tears in my eyes, my food. Chanyeol is amazing, totally amazing. His food ...ola, I can still remember the taste. We have been quite comfortable with each other and I often sleep in his bed. He is huge and seems like a big teddy bear, not to forget his body temperature his higher then me and I stay warm when I sleep with him.

I often go to his hospital to deliver his lunch or just some coffee and snacks. Its been two months and I feel that maybe all this supposed to happen, we still didn't know where kyungsoo hyung is, but my intuition tells me that he is happy. Anyway in the end that only matters.

I'm happy too, chanyeol is like a blessing bestowed upon me. Like Mommy said "sometimes don't think too much just go with the flow."

I reached my office and could see the one and only Chen plucking his hairs. He and Minseok is kicking really well. I'm happy for him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Our piggy boss gave me this huge manuscript to edit. Baekiee how can I possibly do this. I'm so pitiful" He said while making that sulking face which us damn creepy.

"All the best" I said and quickly went to my table and heard Chen cursing with some nice words but I ignored him. It's not the first time he is doing this anyway.

I completed my work and it was already 8'o clock. I took my things and said my bye to Chen who grumpyly replied and I laughed. I was on my way to our apartment when I thought of delivering some coffee to Chanyeol and his colleagues. On my way I stopped by a cafe and got some coffee and cakes.

As I was walking to hospital I saw someone in a car and felt like it was kyungsoo hyung, but it was just a quick glimpse and I decided to ignore it. I reached the hospital and greeted the ladies on the reception. I handed them their coffee and cake.

They were delighted and I felt happy. They work so hard anyway. I left the coffee and cakes for others on their table and they agreed to send it to them. I thanked them ans made my way to Chanyeol's cabin. The light was on and I knocked on the door.

"Come in" A real tired voice answered and I realised he must be quite exhausted.

I slowly opened the door and he was looking at some papers. He was so engrossed and I kept the coffee on his table and place the cake as well.

"Hey" He looked at me and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hello, tired?" I asked.

"I'm bloody tired, want to go home and sleep" He said and I laughed when he started pouting.

"Doctor's life anyway, I got you these. Did you had your dinner?" I asked and he nodded as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I need more caffeine" He said he laid back in his chair.

"Someone was telling me caffeine is not good for health" I said and he laughed it off.

"I'll be going, I have early classes tomorrow. See you" I said as I took my bag and was about to leave.

"I need a hug to re - energize baekhyun" He shouted. I turned back and giggled.

"Really" I enquired.

"Really really" He said.

I moved closer to him and hugged him. As we have good height gap, I just reached his chest. I felt him sniffing my hairs which is one if his habits. We stayed like that for a while, happy and content.

I was running late for my classes. I have class at 8 and Chanyeol will be coming back by 8:30. I thought of making some healthy food for him and now I'm late. I quickly kept his food on the table, took an apple and ran down the stairs.

I was late but our Professor was also late today. I thanked for that. I didn't see Chen and knew he will be skipping today. I had only two classes ,I was done with them and was about to leave but I saw a similar figure near our gates. It was Definitely Kyungsoo hyung and he left with a men. I have seen this men somewhere, but where?

By the time I came out of my thoughts they were already gone. I shrugged and left for our apartment. It takes 10 minutes to reach our apartment by walking. I knew Chanyeol was at home.

As I entered the house I was engulfed by aroma of tteokbokki. I kept happily to kitchen and saw Chanyeol was cooking my favourite. I entered slowly and stood next to him. I waited for him to notice me, finally he saw me.

"Had some rest?" I asked.

"Yup and thank you for the breakfast." He replied.

"Delighted" I said.

I was munching on my tteokbokki while Chanyeol was looking at some files on his Ipad.

"Chanyeol, I think I saw kyungsoo today outside my university. He was with some man. I felt I know this man but I was not able to recall it" I told him. He kept his Ipad on the table and looked at me.

"May be we will find him soon, he should be happy that's all matters anyway" He replied.

"Indeed" I said.

"How's tteokbokki?" He enquired.

"Damn heaven" I moaned and replied. He laughed loudly at it.

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