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Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.

- J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan


"Kyungsoo ranaway" She said and those two words, after hearing them the world around me stopped and I looked at Chen who was looking at with wide eyes.

Chen and I stood there for a while completely paralyzed from the news that was delivered to us. After sometime when I was able to grasp and interpret the situation I felt happy for Kyungsoo hyung.

People will say that he did wrong or betrayed his parents but I felt happy that for once he choose his life. He made his own decision. Maybe he has a lover, I am oblivious of his personal details as I never tried to show my interest or intervened in his personal life.

Maybe he is in love and wanted a better life, not the one his mother has been living. More of suffering in this arrangement that broke her completely. Mrs Byun is a strong woman, she handled the betrayal from her husband so courageously, but we all know that human before going to bed always think about the things that could have been better or changed.

She may have a strong and firm persona but she is suffering everyday. I was thinking about the times when I saw Mrs Byun was pretending to be happy infront of others but she is bleeding from the inside. Kyungsoo hyung I guess, didn't wanted to live a fake life like the one his mother is living. I sighed.

"This is all because of you. You must have supported him behind my back. My reputation will be runied. How will I face others, with what face will I able to face the world. Your son was good for nothing and now I will have to repay for his little stunt." Mr Byun was yelling on that little lady who has spend most of her life in saving others reputation. She was already crying and was completely heartbroken by the accusation.

She was so happy for Kyungsoo hyung. And I know kyungsoo hyung would have never raised his objection infront of anyone for his love for his mother. He can never ever think of hurting his mother.

"All the guest are already here. How will we face them. My son's reputation will be runied, he has worked so hard to be here. He is a well known among his colleagues and today all his colleagues will look down upon him" Mrs Byuns In-laws was crying. She was a beautiful elderly lady and next to him was a elderly man who was quite good looking as well. I could see the pain and sorrow on their face.

"Baek, let's leave. This marriage is not going to take place" Chen Hyung slowly wishpered and I also nodded. We both turned around to leave as it was their family matter. No matter how much I empathize with Mrs Byun I can't do anything.

"This is all beacuse of you. You wicked woman, all this happened because of you. The day I married you, I myself decided my doom." Mr Byun was shouting and I turned around to see him raising his hand.

I quickly moved infront of Mrs byun and grabbed his hand. I looked at him with disgust and anger. This lowly man now even has started raising his hand on the woman who stayed with him even after all the things he did to her.

"How dare you filthy man" I said as I shouted and glared at him with all the anger I have been carrying inside of me for all these years.

"Baekhyun calm down. Calm down" Mrs Byun cried as she grabbed my hand and back hugged me. I took a deep breath and release the hand of that disgusting man. I turned around and hugged her tightly. She kept on crying and it broke my heart.

"Baekhyun, I don't have my hand in all this. Kyungsoo was always happy when the arrangement was made. He never showed any objection or displeasure" Mrs Byun said as she was crying. I moved away and touched her left cheek with my hand.

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