4 | Intrigued

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From high above the city had not seemed so corrupt, perhaps because I was unable to see individuals involved in criminal actions.

I grasped the book I held in my hands tighter, looking over towards the ledge. As an official member of the Port Mafia - having already completed my first assignment - I knew I had to get used to all bloody businesses, but the cinematics of the job pecked at my mind still.

They were tortured, and if that weren't enough, probably been killed by now. Yes, enemies to the Mafia, but did they really deserve to die?

'Whatchu got there?'

I was startled back from my thoughts and recognised the voice of the bandaged male to have been the one to alert me so. I looked up at him and then down at my hands. I showed him the book cover which he analysed for a second, and he let out a fascinated gasp. 'Well read indeed,'

He approached the ledge further and hopped on it, staring down at the various buildings the Port Mafia towered over, his black trench coat having been caught in the wind and accenting the shape of his slim physique.

'You said you're able to read someone if you touch them,' he began, turning around to face me 'For life or temporarily?'

'Forever, I think. I've never really put much thought into it.' I replied, taking one of my hands and analysing its lines.

'Tell me Chuuya's emotions!' he requested, a childish, menacing grin spreading from cheek to cheek.

I hesitated before I took my hand back down. 'I can't do that. Not without his permission at least,' I looked back at my book and tapped its cover. 'He's my superior and -'

'I'm his boyfriend, I have the right to know!'

I looked him in the eyes, almost convinced his lie to be an actual truth for his golden-brown irises held genuineness - he was good at throwing in petty lies, but not perfect.

I shook my head in response. 'I'm sure you're not, so no, I can't tell you that.' I hesitated and proposed to read his emotions, to which he refused, stepping back from my outstretched hand. 'Be careful!' I let out quickly, watching as his feet approached the ledge he stood on further, risking him slipping and falling.

He looked down at his feet dumbfounded, almost as if my warning had been called for unjustifiably; that explains his bandages I suppose. He looked back at me, a darker hue vivid in his eyes. But for the first time he said nothing; only stared.

Unexpectedly, he smiled - this duplicitous change of character of his was starting to creep me out. He hopped off the ledge and walked towards the door leading back into the building. And just like that, he left. No more words or a look exchanged; he simply left and left me confused at that.

Perhaps I should've given him Chuuya's reading.

I followed the way he'd headed shortly after, though I did not meet him again on my way into the building and around the halls, nor for the rest of the day, oddly.

On my way back to Chuuya's office, however (I could not think of anywhere else to head to), I bumped into a member which hadn't been introduced to me: a tall male with brick-coloured hair and light eyes accenting a nice contrast, along with a light stubble that naturally settled with his features.

'Oda,' he said. 'You must be the new recruit working in the interrogation department.'

I nodded. He invited me in his office, offering me a cup of tea which I shamefully refused - I didn't trust him as of yet (just as I thought no one in the Mafia could to some extent) though his nice manners had allowed room for guilt to take place.

'Boss didn't want you refusing the offer, so I suppose you'll be stuck here for a while,' he started, packing in his bag a couple of books. 'But now you know where my office is if you ever need anything.'

'That's kind of you.'

He neatly closed his bag and stood up from his desk chair. 'I heard you're able to deal with emotions, is it?'

I told him the basics of my ability, just as I had done for the millionth time in the Mafia those few days it seemed, but his reaction had seemed more genuine than others; unlike individuals such as the boss himself, Oda listened in to my explanation, and no sign of plotting to use it in his benefit seemed to be evident - and it wasn't until the very end. 'What about you?'

He seemed to be taken back for a second. 'My ability?' I nodded in reply. 'Oh, it's nothing much.' He paused for a second and set his bag's strap over his shoulder. 'I can see a few seconds into the future. Not much of an offensive one, but I get around.' he continued, patting his bag. 'I'll be heading out then. It was nice to talk to you.'

I stood from the chair he had offered me when I had first walked in, and spoke hesitantly: 'Also, about someone else...' He looked at me, waiting patiently for me to articulate my thoughts into words. 'Dazai. He's... unique... I haven't seen his ability put into action... What is it?'

He chuckled and opened the door. 'Perhaps you have seen it but simply haven't realised it.'

'Guns? He seemed to be one with them, like they had some sort of connection, you know. It looked like he pulled them out of his sleeve when we interrogated those men.'

He let out a little giggle and tilted his head. 'Is he starting to grow on you?'

'No, I just, I don't know, he, hmm... There's something about his character. One moment he's merry, the other not so much so - and he's everywhere! I seem to find him everywhere! Has he been told to supervise me? Wasn't Chuuya supposed to do that?'

'One thing you need to learn is to never question Dazai. He's got his own way of running things.' He held the door further to let me out and closed it behind us once we'd both stepped out. 'He means no harm in the things he does.'

'Is he like some sort of pet for the Mafia then? A puppet? Mascot?'

He sighed and the smile in his face was no longer visible.

'Sadly, yes.'

Emotions [Dazai x Reader] ✓Where stories live. Discover now