13 | Ruthless

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'What's this nonsense I hear?!'

The door to the office was slammed open, startling me as I had quietly been munching on a bar of chocolate while waiting for Chuuya to return from the job he'd been assigned. His arrival was expected, but not as such; I looked at him confused, trying to figure out whether the outburst had been directed at me or simply his built-up anger being unleashed from the mission he had just returned from.

'I heard you and Dazai were going out -'

I choked on the square of chocolate that I was in the middle of swallowing, shocked at the unexpected statement he made. After recollecting my composure with the help of a bottle of water that lay beside me - and a brief cough attack to aid recovery - I looked back at him, waiting for him to continue his observation.

'I heard a rumour you two were a thing. That's gross, whether it's true or not. I thought you wouldn't be the kind of person to date garbage.'

'We're not -' I stopped to reflect at the status of our relationship; we weren't officially - or at least verbally agreed - together, but I could admit our relation to having escalated just the tiniest bit from perhaps what one might call a mere friendship. 'I doubt he'd date two people at the same time,' I announced, smug, remembering the time he asked me to give him a reading of Chuuya's emotions. 'He told me he was your boyfriend.'

He recoiled with disgust evident in his face.

'I have higher standards, thank you very much. Now I'd like to hear it from you about the truth.'

I paused for a second, reflecting on a way in which his words could backfire against him. '"Higher standards", heh? Are you indirectly telling me you have an interest in men?'

Flinching at the remark, he dismissed my examination of his choice of words, continuously saying the rumours - if only rumours, he said - of my relations with Dazai were disgraceful; 'Both to me as your superior and yourself.'

I attempted to mock him further on the remark I made, assuring him it was not unlawful to swing "for the wrong team" - there was nothing wrong with being homosexual in my opinion - but he seemed to end the banter as he announced I'd been summoned at the basement.

'I'd take you there but I have errands to run.' He paused for a moment, adjusting his hat over his head, a sinister warning creeping his facade.

Before he could speak again I stood up and brushed his offer aside, reassuring him he needn't worry about me; 'It's my job, isn't it? I've got this in the bag.' He did not seem particularly convinced on this occasion, but he let me wander down to the basement alone.

The smell of fresh blood was made familiar again, giving me flashbacks to the first time I had climbed down these stairs, though not so alone and out of free will, but neither did the scent feel so strong back then.

I rushed down the steps, identifying Akutagawa's thin figure standing solo among a large pack of suited men - though alone, he did not seem to quiver or feel any lesser than the large group of agents. However, whatever words he spoke were brutally interrupted by a quick running of events, as the familiar bandaged arm aimed straight for the slender man's face, forcing him to glide backwards using the strength of all his muscles in an attempt to keep himself from falling completely.

At that moment I seemed to lose my hearing, finding myself unable to catch any word spoken by the man I'd infatuated with, but was only capable of watching Akutagawa's poor state as his body rejected keeping the blood from the impact inside its system, unable to resist showing its provoked frailty with the violent chunder of blood. Then Dazai's hand reached out to one of the men who granted him a gun; I held my breath as I watched his arm aim towards the subordinate, knowing of my incapability for stopping the bullets from rushing out of their seat.

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