Chapter 4

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Christian POV

I wake up drowsy.
I needed to get the phone so I can check if my wife has been worrying about my whereabouts but how ? Rosia is snuggled up on me. One hand across my chest while her brown, messy hair is everywhere.
I slowly move my right foot down onto the ground and carefully pick up her arm, placing it on her side.
I tried to slide out but the blanket is wrapped around my left foot.
"Fuck" I whisper.
I try to push it away but when I moved it gave me a agonizing pain that shot up from my foot up to my groin. What the fuck.
I had to take this easy.
I try to sit up to unravel the silk material but her hair was like chewing gum against mind.
What was going on?
I didn't want to wake her up so i tried to push the cover loose again with my foot.
Finally... it un--
Wait what the fuck ?
My eyes widened as i saw a pink, fleshy chain to my foot onto hers.
It was like... a pair of human fleshed hand cuffs.
" Rosia ! Rosia ! "
I shook her violently wanting to know a explanation for this.
Her hazel eyes slowly opened, tiredly.
" What Christian ? Its so.. early. Go back to sleep.. "
Her eyes immediately flew open and she got up. When she did, she pulled me up with her.
Then i noticed her hair was attached to mine.
What is going on ?!
"Fuck... Fuck... I thought you were different ?! Why'd you lie to me ?!" I look at her astonished of why she was asking me this again.
"Why worry about that now ? Why are you even bringing that up again?" Tears started rolling down her cheeks.
All that was on my mind is to get my pants and text my wife.
"Stop thinking about her..."
All of a sudden another strike of pain hit my leg and this time it was worse..
"What are you talking about ?! Arggh!!" She became angry.
"Don't play dumb with me ! Don't you dare think about texting your wife ! You are with me !"
How did she-- what the fuck ?
"What is wrong with you ! I told you i have no wife , i got di-"
"Stop fucking lying !" She interrupted .
"You have 2 beautiful children and a wife.
Everything you think of enters in my mind so stop it !
We are one now. I can make you feel pain as when I want too.
So everytime you make me upset you slowly sync into my body or get a shock.
So my advice 'don't bullshit.' Dont lie to me at all, always be honest.
" I was still so confused.
What was this ?
Is she a fucking demon or something ?
"Arghhhhhhhhhh" Another hit strikes on my ankle...
"No im not a fucking demon.. ! I am cursed ! Every guy that i have love for and that pleasures me sexually gets judged by my body and mind.
You lied to me... So this is what my body and mind thinks you deserve...
Now lets go to the bathroom so we can take a shower and get those scissors so we can get our hair unattached
"Can we get our feet unattached too ?"
She sighs...
"No. Well, at least I can't. If you make my body and my mind happy and follow my advice. Than there is a chance that this genetic chain dies and you would be free to go..."
"What about my wife and kids ?" She gets sad but that doesn't affect me in pain... it actually adds a thicker layer of flesh onto the chain.
"I guess you could text her and say that you are on a vacation trip or something until this is over... "
Was she crazy ?
I am not staying here ?!
"You have too !! You are fucking connected to me !! Why don't you fucking understand that !! So ENJOY your god damn time here !!" Another terrible pain hit my calf now. Damn!
"Okay, sorry, lets get those scissors... and get ready for the day i suppose"...

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