Chapter One

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A/N: i am making an edit now, in this story the word snicker/snigger comes up, and i swear if i see another fucking comment about like oMg SnIgGeRs??? im going to blow

you can look it up! i have, its either one! sniggers is european, snickers is american, they're both right. i grew up learning both from diff schools, so if you're still convinced im wrong and its snickers not sniggers then idfk.




     Dream  literally hated George. He was spoiled rotten and got everything he's ever asked for. Ever, and to top it off he was just a snarky nerd who thought he was cool.

     So when Dream's day started off with his mom pouring him orange juice instead of apple juice, claiming they were out, its almost as if the world was just setting dream up for failure.

     He knew he was already late enough, but his toast seemingly taking so much longer than usual made him feel like time stopped.

     "Come on, come on, come on!" Dream muttered at his toast, bouncing on his toes right in front of it. Finally, after what literally felt like 20 minutes, it popped up.

     "Yes!" He cheered,  grabbing the toast out and speed-running breakfast.

     "Clay! You're going to be late! Hurry up!" His mom called from the garage, oh how Dream wanted to yell back at her, but he knew better. His mom did a lot for him and he was grateful.

     "Yes, mom. I'm coming." He shouted back, biting back his snarky tone. He ran out to the car, his bag slung over his shoulder, his hair all ruffed, toast in his mouth and his hoodie 'round his neck, he jumped in the car.

     "You're such a mess, problem child." His mom sighed, closing the garage, she pulled out of the driveway. "You'll be late, 20 minutes to be exact." His mom sighed.

     "Wh— 20 minutes?! Speed! Speeeeed!" Dream yelled, scarfing down his toast and pulling his sweatshirt over his head.

     "I'm not gonna speed Clay!" His mother said. Dream hit his head against his seat and groaned loudly. "Don't you whine, child! Your fault you slept past your alarm!" She scolded.

     "What— What am I supposed to do?! Wake my alarm up before it wakes me up?!" Dream bickers back.

     "Hon— You're just asking if you would walk the rest of the way." She rolls her eyes, taking a sharp turn that Dream wasn't expecting.

"Shit— Fuck— Sorry, sh- shoot!" He says, grabbing onto his car door handle.

"Clay! My goodness." She sighed. "We're here, 20 minutes after you were supposed to be here." She parked the car up front, letting Dream get out.

"Thanks mom, love you." He said, getting out of the car.

"No problem, kiddo. Love you too." She smiled. "Have a good day!" She said before Dream shut the door, walking to the front. He threw his hand up, in a way to say 'you too!'

Dream started hustling inside the building, swiftly heading to the main office for attendance. He awkwardly opened the door, peeking his head in and seeing the woman that worked at the front office talking to Niki, the guidance counselor. Dream liked her, but he never spoke to her besides when he got sent to her whenever he got in trouble for stupid little petty things that even she found petty.

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