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That night, after I had been dragged out into the training ring and had a dagger forced into my hand so I could begin to be taught the basics , Cassian returned for me. He looked very annoyed, and his red Siphons were blazing. He looked like the High Lord's General that I knew from the war. I didn't see him at first because he came from behind me but I knew he was there because of the whispers of the ten other females that were in the ring with me. They all obviously knew who he was, but if they had known who I was they kept quiet about it.

     Whispers of "Cassian" and "What is he doing here?" caught my ears. I turned around to find him five feet away from me, giving me one of those grins that he knows I hate.

     "Take me back to my apartment right now." I snapped at him. I don't care what those other females say about me or think of me. I wanted out and I wanted out right now.

     Cassian just kept on smiling. "No. You're not going back until Rhys tells me to take you. And from what he said earlier, you're not going back for quite a while." I hate him.

     I growled at him and gave him a vulgar gesture. The bastard just kept on smiling. "Would it make you happy to know that you're done for the night?" Yes. No. Nothing truly makes me happy these days. He started walking away from the ring and gestured to me to follow him.

     "Where are we going?" I asked. If I had to sleep in one of those tents that barely looked big enough for one person that lined the trees I would leave right now. I don't know where I would go, but I would leave.

     Cassian didn't even bother to look back at me as he replied, "Rhys' mother's old place. We'll be staying there while we're here." I would have to stay in the same house as he did.

     That tent was starting to look better and better.


    I unlocked the door to Rhys's mother's old house. I haven't been in here in years- I don't think anyone in the inner circle has. The door creaked open to reveal furniture covered by sheets and a layer of dust that must've been an inch thick on everything.

     Honestly, I was still shocked my brother gave me the key to get in here. Everyone had thought that after Devlon gave the house to random Illyrians to stay in last year- without the High Lord's permission- no one would ever be allowed in again.

     His mother's touch was still evident everywhere in the house. The decorations and furniture had all belonged to her and were still in there original placing. It was strange, being back here- especially without Rhysand and Azriel. I kept expecting her to come around the corner and ask me if I needed something else to eat or if I needed a bandage. She is part of the reason why I worked so hard to get female Illyrians the same rights as males. Her and my mother had shown me that they go through just as many, if not more, hardships and they more than deserved to have a place in the society. The problem lied in making the older camp leaders see that.

     Nesta obviously wasn't in any mood to wait for me to get done reminiscing and move; the female pushed right past me, stomping her boots on the worn hardwood floors as she went around me and went upstairs. My eyes followed her all the way up until she wasn't in my sight any longer.

     "The bathing room is on the left!" I called up to her, letting her know. There was a feeling inside of me that told me that she wanted a hot bath more than anything she could get inside of this camp right now. Maybe it was something that she had let stray down the mating bond by accident. If she knew of the mating bond that is.

     My bet was that she did. Rhys had told me of how she had known that I was hurt and that I had needed help when even he didn't. If she didn't know we were mates, then she at least knew there was some sort of connection between us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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