Chemo Time

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One day later, Alexa was set up to have her chemotherapy treatment.

The doctor hooked Alexa up to an Iv and put chemo bags in the iv, and said, "See you in an hour."

Alexa replied, "Alright."

Lucas asked, "You okay?"

Alexa responded, "Just a bit dizzy."

One hour later, the doctor came back.

The doctor stated, "You will have to stay at the hospital for a few weeks."

Alexa said, "Okay."

The doctor unattached the iv and said, "Alright, by the way, you will have side effects from the chemo, so that's why you will have to stay for a few weeks."

Lori replied, "Okay, doctor."

The doctor said, "Alright, Mendoza's, you can stay until visiting hours are over."

Dave responded, "Alright."

This is the last and final part of this book. By the way, I am currently on my winter break. I still I was online on January 4th, 2021, but I go back in person on January 11th, 2021.

Alexa And Katie: I am Not FineWhere stories live. Discover now