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The Mendoza arrived at the hospital. Lori and Lucas were helping Alexa in the hospital since she was weak.

Lori signed Alexa in, so they are waiting to be called.

The doctor called them in.

The doctor said, "So Alexa, we need to run some tests to determine why you get sick so often."

The doctor ran the tests on Alexa, and the  Mendoza family waited.

Two hours later, the doctor came in with the test results.

The doctor said, "You have leukemia."

Alexa asked, "Is it something I did."

The doctor explained to Alexa that she didn't do anything and that cancer can come even when you are healthy.

The doctor said, "You have to stay here for a few weeks to give chemo since it will have side effects; after you get discharged, we will continue the chemotherapy."

Alexa replied, "Oh, okay."

Alexa texted Katie that she had cancer and needed chemotherapy and visited her in the hospital since she couldn't get out for a few weeks.

I hope you enjoy this, and this will be a short story

Alexa And Katie: I am Not FineWhere stories live. Discover now