Enrolling into Beacon

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"Are you sure this is a good idea" penny asks nervously "what if he says no?"
Ruby places a reassuring hand on her robotic friends shoulder. "We won't know unless we ask."
After the events that had transpired with fighting off members of the whitefang as well as driving off Roman Torchwick the notorious criminal (a feat that was only possible thanks to the help of Penny) Ruby and her team had come up with a plan to asks Penny's "father" to allow her to attend Beacon. They hadn't however gotten the chance as Penny had disappeared. Later when Penny had eventually told Ruby about her artificial nature Ruby now found it more important to stay by Penny's side.


"Ruby I'm not a real girl" Penny stated as she showed Ruby her metallic hands.
"Oh" Ruby responded bluntly.
"This is why I disappeared so quickly after we beat the whitefang, my father doesn't want people knowing the truth about me."
Concern filled Ruby's heart . "Penny" Ruby began "what do you usually do when you're not with us?"
Penny thought for a moment "usually I'm either with my father or in shut down mode"
"Well do you wanna join Beacon with us?" Ruby asked with optimism in her voice.
Penny stood there stunned not being able to think of the words to say.
"Well?" Ruby asked which snapped Penny out of her trance.
"Well of course I do" she responded seeing Ruby's eyes light up sending a strange sensation through Penny that she didn't understand. "But" Penny continued "I doubt my father would ever allow that to happen."
"Please!" Ruby said in an adorable voice "we gotta at least try" Penny felt a flutter flow through her being. Her face felt hot which was ridiculous as temperature levels were remaining consistent.
"O...okay" she stammered "we can try."

Return to present
"But Ruby how would me staying at Beacon even work, I don't have a team and I'm not organic like you" Penny pointed out.
Ruby looked at her friend. She was wearing a light green dress, simple but Ruby still thought she looked stunning. "Ruby are you okay" Penny asked, concerned to why Ruby hadn't responded.
Realising she was staring Ruby quickly looked away feeling a blush emerge in her face. Y-yeah I'm okay" she stammered. She took a deep breath to calm herself
"We'll figure something out don't worry." She said with a gentle tone as to ease Penny's nerves "let's go ask your dad" she grabbed penny's hand which made butterflies emerge in penny's stomach (figuratively Penny hoped) as Ruby lead her to her father.

"Absolutely not" Pietro stated loudly "it's far to dangerous. What is something happens and you can't be repaired, what if people discover what you are." Pietro felt sympathetic for his built daughter, he understood she wasn't happy with her current living conditions but the thought of her staying here at Vale filled him with anxiety.
"But sir with all do respect" Ruby countered "being in a school with hundreds of hunters and huntresses in training with Glynda, Ozpin and all the other teachers isn't exactly an unsafe environment."
Pietro looked at the young team leader, she was right of course but still the idea didn't sit well with Pietro. "True as that may be true but I very much doubt Ironwood would agree to such an idea."
"We could ask professor Ozpin to try and convince him" Penny interjected.
"Penny the answers is no!" Pietro commanded before seeing the heartbreak on his daughter's face which filled him with sadness.
"But dad why" she complained.
"I just want you to be safe and alive" he says gently.
"I don't just want to be alive dad" she counters raising her voice "I want to have a life."
Pietro was stunned at his daughters words. How could he not have considered something so simple, Penny was as close to alive as she could be but in desperately trying to keep her safe Pietro hadn't considered the fact that he was denying her any kind of normal life. "Fine" he sighed "you have my permission to go to beacon if ironwood and Ozpin agree." He saw the two girls' eyes light up with joy as the turned and hugged each other he wondered how he could deny his daughter such happiness.

Time skip

"The idea is insane" ironwood yelled "Penny cannot come here she is Atlas technology."
"What she is is a young girl who wants to go to school with her friends" Ozpin counters calmly. "If you didn't want her to act like one you shouldn't have built her this way James. I personally think it's a wonderful idea Ruby" he says as he turns to the girl.
"Ozpin you are officially insane" Ironwood yells "Penny is too valuable an asset to allow any risk to come to her!"
"Penny isn't just a-" Ruby begins before being cut of by Ozpin.
"Penny is alive, she has conscious thoughts and feelings, Penny, while artificial, is alive and therefore deserves the chance to be given a normal life." He glares at ironwood sending shivers down Ruby's spine "if you are truly that concerned over the safety of Penny then you are welcome to send Winter Schnee or any of the ace ops here in order to monitor Penny's safety.
Ironwood ponders this for a moment. "Fine I will be sending Winter Schnee and Ace operative Harriet to be looking over Penny." He finally announces. "But if I hear that any harm has come to Penny then you will be held accountable" she growls at Ozpin who sits calm as ever.
"Very well" he responds.
Ironwood storms out of the room and contacts Winter and Harriet.

Ozpin turns his attention to Penny and Ruby. "Well girls it seems we should go over the arrangements of where Penny will stay.
"She can be on my team" Ruby adds quickly.
"A  5 person team, while unorthodox is not unheard of. Ozpin says. "Very well Penny may join Team RWBY and stay in there dorm."
Ruby jumps in excitement before turning to her robotic friend to see a concerned look plastered on her face. "What's the matter Penny?" Ruby asks.
"What do I do about the fact I'm a robot?" she asks.  "I know it probably makes more sense to tell them but I don't know if I'm ready to yet" she admits as she stares at her hands.
Ruby places her hands on Penny's and intertwines their fingers. Penny looks up at her questioningly "if you don't want to tell the others yet then we won't" Ruby says to her friends easing some of the robotic girl's nerves. "You can tell them whenever your ready."
Penny looks into Ruby's beautiful silver eyes as she feels a warmth inside her only felt when with her Red coated friend "thank you Ruby" she says finally. Ruby responds by pulling her into a hug. Penny was unsure about how easy it would be integrating into life at Beacon, but if it meant she got to spend more time with Ruby, then it would definitely be worth it.

Robotic heart (a RWBY fan fic) Where stories live. Discover now