{Chapter one}

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Squealing to a stop, the train pulled into the station. Odd unfamiliar faces passed by the window as people unloaded, greeted, and boarded the train. It was an old train, the kind that you would often see in picture books, or read about in the news. One of a kind. Much like this opportunity. Roslyn grunted, heaving her bags upon her tired shoulders. The train ride here hadn't been the most... pleasant experience. Not that she had really expected it to be.

"Get everything miss?" The conductor asked as he squeezed through the isle, probably checking for any stray items, forgotten carelessly by their now former owners. They wouldn't be returned.

Roslyn watched him curiously, he was a rather large bloke, clearly he didn't get much action outside the train. Not that she was one to judge, Roslyn hadn't been outside in months, or so it felt.

Roslyn nodded "Yes, thank you" She spoke simply, not bothering with the small talk. Getting off of this blessed train was far more important than speaking with a stranger that she would never come across again. Hopefully. That is, if this move worked out in her favor.

Upon existing the train, the smell of rain and dirt hit Roslyn's nose like a bad gust of wind. Not that the smell was bad, she needed the earthy smell. It had been far too long. She looked around, uncomfortably shifting the weight of the luggage to her other side. There. There it was. Sleepy Hollow. The town that far too many warned her about. Yet here she stood, just on the other side of the bridge that lead to the gloomy place. Business, She reminded herself, It was only for business. She had to be here.

Taking a deep breath, Roslyn took her first step into Sleepy hollow, carefully crossing the bridge. She wondered, would she ever step out of the place. Shaking those thoughts from her scattered mind, Roslyn gazed around, her eyes landing on the building that she was told to go to upon her arrival. The morgue.

The door slowly opened seconds before Roslyn could push on it herself, sending a chill down her spine. How odd.

"Oh- Hello Hello! You must be Miss Brooks!" A strange voice called, apparently her boss had informed them about her quick arrival?

Roslyn walked in and peered around, the place was damp and dark, fitting for a place that held the dead. "Hello" She said, her voice hoarse from the dampened air.

The man walked out from behind the desk and over to Roslyn, proceeding to shake her hand firmly. She was reluctant to return the gesture.

"My name is Mr. Bailey, I run the morgue here" He said, something about how enthusiastic he sounded made Roslyn uneasy.

"I can see that" Roslyn chuckled shallowly, trying to respond in a way that didn't convey her anxiousness. Just tell me where I'll be staying, she thought to herself.

"I believe you are here to investigate our-" Mr. Bailey hesitated, he quickly checked the surroundings before finishing. "Our problem?" He hushed.

Roslyn frowned, she didn't seem to think it was that big of a deal, it was only a few murders, nothing to be all hush hush about.

"Well, yes sir, I was told that I would have another partner to work with? Is she in the back room? Assuming the autopsy room is connected to the morgue" Roslyn asked.

Mr. Bailey nodded, "Yes! Right this way, I am sure that he will be very happy to meet you, he has been quite tired these last few days, poor lad will be glad for a rest" He said, quickly turning on a heel to lead her back.

Did he say he? Great.

"Here we are Miss Brooks! The autopsy room" Mr bailey said, pushing the door open.

Upon entering, Roslyn was hit with the all too familiar smell of an autopsy room, the cleaning products and the cotton balls that emitted an old musty like smell. Wonderful. She thought, rolling her eyes.

"Mr. Crane, this is Miss Brooks" Mr. Bailey began, walking in behind her. "She is the help that you so desperately need, top of her class I hear" He said, looking to Roslyn in hopes that she would take over the conversation.

Clearing her throat, Roslyn stood tall, shifting her weight to her left side. Thankfully Mr. Bailey had given her a spot for her luggage before this introduction.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Brooks, but you can call me Roslyn, It's nice to finally meet. I hear you are quite good at what you do" She added, hoping to get onto his good side sooner than later.

Mr. Crane didn't remove his gaze from the body that he was investigating. "The wound appears to be caused from a blade" He muttered to himself. "Clearly this killer knows a thing or two, the wound was hard to come by".

"Erm- Mr. Crane, As I just said this young woman is here to assist you in your-"

"I know Mr. Bailey, I assure you that I am in fact very well of hearing, thank you" Ichabod snapped, finally looking at the two who stood in the doorway.

Roslyn rolled her eyes, so he was going to be one of those guys. Great.

"Well, I would like to start my job now, so if you don't mind Mr. Bailey, me and Mr. Crane here have some work to do" Roslyn said, shooting Mr. Crane a glare before walking to where the lab coats hung.

Mr. Crane rolled his eyes, preparing for the lecture that this annoying woman would soon be giving him. He was capable of blocking out others, so this wouldn't be an issue. Just a mere hindrance, nothing more.

"So, you work this job for a while?" Roslyn asked, making an attempt at small talk.

Mr. Crane lowered his gaze back to the body, the woman was middle aged, stabbing victim, she was found just behind the pub early Friday morning. Tragic really.

"Ahem... I asked you a question Mr. Crane" Roslyn grumbled, if this was how things would be, maybe she would quit after all.

Mr. Crane looked up, his glasses slightly sliding off of his nose. "I'm aware" He paused. "Yes, I have been doing this job for roughly three and a half years now" He finished.

Roslyn slipped the gloves on, they went on rather smoothly, that was a first. "That so, I have been working for five years" Roslyn said, she had the one up on him. Good.

For a moment Mr. Crane paused, frowning at the sudden loss. Miss Brooks one, Mr. Crane zero. He thought to himself, rather defeated. Nonetheless, he would show her up if it was the last thing he did.

"Well, I've done about all I can do for this poor woman, now to send her to the investigators" Mr. Crane said, wrapping his equipment up gently. He really cared about those tools, Roslyn thought as she watched.

"I will be seeing you tomorrow" He said, grabbing his bag and heading on his way.

Roslyn scoffed, the nerve! To leave his new colleague standing in the middle of an empty morgue alone. "H-Hey wait up!" Roslyn yelled, running down the hall after him. "Don't I at least get your first name?" She asked, catching her breath as she neared him. Why was he so fast?

Mr. Crane paused and spun around on one heel, bag in his hand and coat draped over his free arm. "A name is quite the thing to give out, I've only just met you" He said, rather quick-tempered.

Roslyn rolled her eyes. "Really? Well, I'll have you know that a name is one of the least valuable things in life" She stated, giving him a look. "Mine is Roslyn. Roslyn Brooks" She continued. "And you?" 

Mr. Crane frowned, perhaps, she did deserve a name. Besides the one he was about to give her. He rolled his eyes, "My name is Ichabod Crane" He said before frowning. He turned to leave and was out the door before Roslyn could slip another word in.

Ichabod Crane huh?

I like it....

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