The Recovery

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Mike woke to the sound of his phone ringing. When he saw the number, his heart jumped. It was the hospital.
Mike: "Hello?"
Doctor: "Hello, Michael Schmidt?"
Mike: "Yeah?"
Doctor: "Jeremy Fitzgerald is ready to come home."
Mike: "YES! I mean, um, alright. I'll be there to pick him up in a little bit."
*phone call ends*
Mike jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. Before he left for the hospital, he snuck into the neighbor's yard and picked some flowers for Jeremy.
When he got to the hospital, he went straight to the front desk.
"Um, I'm here to pick up Jeremy? Jeremy Fitzgerald?" Mike said. The nurse at the front desk flipped through some papers.
"Ah, okay. Please sign here, here, and here." the nurse said, handing Mike some papers and a pen. Mike signed all of the papers and headed to Jeremy's room.
When he got there, he saw Jeremy sitting in bed, all ready to go. He handed Jeremy the flowers. And once again, Jeremy did his kitten-like sneeze.
"W-We have to w-wait for t-the doctor. H-He said he h-had something f-for me." Jeremy said. A few minutes later, the doctor walked in, holding a prosthetic leg.
"Jeremy, this will help you. But it will take awhile to get used to." the doctor said. Jeremy smiled. The doctor put on Jeremy's prosthetic leg and strapped it.
"M-Mike?" Jeremy said, looking over at Mike. Mike smiled and walked over to him, grabbing his hands. Jeremy stood up, and Mike helped him walk over to the wheel chair by the doorway.
"I-It's like l-learning to walk a-all over again!" Jeremy said. Mike laughed and helped Jeremy sit down. Mike grabbed Jeremy's belongings and wheeled him to the car.

When they got home, Mike pushed Jeremy into the house and lifted him onto the couch. Mike pushed the wheelchair next to the couch and sat down next to Jeremy. They both just sat there for awhile. Then, Mike looked at Jeremy's prosthetic leg. Jeremy looked pretty upset about losing a leg, so Mike tried to lift his spirits.
"Well look at you, man, you can become the new Robo-Cop!" Mike said. Jeremy chuckled at the shitty joke.
Jeremy rested his head on Mike's shoulder.
"I-I hurt." he said.
"I know..." Mike said.
"It's all my fault... I was too late..."
"N-No it wasn't!" Jeremy said. Mike carefully pulled Jeremy into his lap. Jeremy blushed and leaned his head back. Mike giggled and kissed his forehead.
Jeremy blushed some more.
>Mike's P.O.V<
A little later, I turned on Jeremy's favorite show, "Sailor Moon."
I have to admit, the show sucked. But he really enjoyed it, so whatever.
The best part was just being with him. It was nice to hold him in my arms after being alone so long. He started drifting off to sleep. But I kissed him on the lips and that woke him right up.
"M-Mike!" he said. I shrugged my shoulders.
"It had to be done." I replied, smirking.
Sooner or later, we both fell asleep, cuddling with each other. It was honestly the best feeling ever, and I never wanted it to end.
As I slept, I had no dreams. No nothing. My mind was empty.
>Jeremy's P.O.V<
As I slept, I had no dreams. But I heard whispers.
"Don't open your eyes..."
This startled me.
"I am here. I am always here..."

my light in the darkness//jeremikeWhere stories live. Discover now