Sweet Dreams (Part 4)

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No answer.
Mike started crying. Hard.
He lost his best friend. He lost his world.
"I... I... I'm...so...sorry..." Mike said through sobs. He was really gone....
He didn't deserve this.

But suddenly, Mike heard a noise.
A groaning noise.
"J...Jere?" Mike asked, wiping away tears.
"*muffled* M.........Mike..." Jeremy groaned.
Mike started trembling.
"H-Hold on, I'm gonna get you out of there..." Mike said.
He slowly took off the head of the suit, trying not to hurt Jeremy. Jeremy looked up at Mike.
".......M.......Mike?..." Jeremy said, his eyes fluttering shut.
"N-No!" Mike said. Mike tried to quickly and carefully take off the rest of the suit. When he was done, he looked at Jeremy. He was covered in blood, and his leg was twisted.
Mike took off his jacket and wrapped Jeremy in it, then picked up Jeremy bridal style and lightly kissed his head.
"P-Please, hang in there..." Mike said, rushing to the hospital.

When Mike got to the hospital, the doctors were relieved to see Jeremy was back after disappearing. But they got really nervous once they saw what happened. They took Jeremy to surgery, and Mike sat in the waiting room.
"He'll be fine..." Mike told himself.
A few hours later...
A group of doctors walked over to Mike.
"Michael Schmidt?" one of the doctors asked. Mike nodded.
"We have some news about Jeremy."
Mike bit his lip.
"W-What?" Mike asked.
"Luckily, he survived. There was only a 20% chance he would live." the doctor said. Mike was relieved.
"But, he lost one of his legs..." a look of worry spread across Mike's face.
"C-Can I see him?" Mike asked. The doctor nodded. Mike ran to Jeremy's room, eager to see him.
When Mike walked in, Jeremy was sleeping. Mike just sat next to his bed and grabbed his hand. Mike looked over at his leg. They were right, the leg was gone. Now all Jeremy had was a stump. But Mike didn't care.
He was just glad Jeremy was okay.

(So yeah, in my AU, Jeremy only has one leg after the whole getting shoved into a suit thing XD)

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