The wolf's dirty secret~ (big bad wolf x female reader)

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Hey I hope you like my lil modern twist to the old clasic~ please wait to play the song until I say, so be good kittens unless you wanna see me mad~ love you all! Back to the story!


No ones POV~

The small town of Blansville has been the victim of a series of unsolved murders. All the victims are of different ages, genders, and race. This psycho doesnt care what you are. It only cares about the kill....the hunt....the chase. The locals have been calling the killer the 'Wolf of the night' the media has been calling them the Big bad wolf, making it a joke to scare the children to behave.

The killer has there eyes set on a new victim, but this person is in for a treat...since the killer doesnt want to kill them. They want them to become theres~ this person will have to run...hide....and stay quiet....but poor little already lost when the wolf found you.~

(Y/N) POV~

I just got home, its summer break and mom is at work, so it's just me tonight! "Yes pizza night and Netflix!" I giggle to myself as I walking after unlocking the door. After walking in and re locking the door I take off my shoes and proceed to the kitchen, my phone goes off. I look down at my phone and see that my grandma is calling me.

I answer "hey Nana! Hope that you've been alright" I hear he chuckle at the nickname I have her since I was a child.

"I've been fine my favorite granddaughter!" I'm her only granddaughter. "I'm calling on behave of your old mean mom to see if you would like to come over and watch tv and have some of my famous tuna noodle casserole"

My stomach growls. Fuck pizza I want Nana's cooking! "Watch your language around me. I maybe hip as your generation likes to say but I will not have that language around me younge lady!"

"I'll promise to try not to cuss if you promise to never say that again or anything else that you think 'my generation says' " we both laugh and she agrees. "I'm on my way grandma I'll see you shortly I'm going threw the woods!"

"Dont do that! Just take the long way threw the streets." I'm putting my shoes back on as I sigh "you know the woods are dangerous right now"

I put a jacket on and put my hair up in a ponytail "I'm not going that far into the woods, and the only reason why you don't want me to go is because you believe the rumor that the killer is an actual wolf" she sighs

"Please for my sanity, stay away from the woods if something happens to you....your mom and I will be lost" I smile softly. They care so much about me but I'm 17 now and I can make decisions by myself.

"I'll see you soon Nana, I'll be safe I promise" (yes because 17 year olds know best) she wishes me a safe journey as I hang up and head out. I lock the door before I leave and use the short cut threw the woods. My jacket is red with a few patches of my favorite bands, and shows I love to watch.

I start humming a song to myself as the twigs and a few leaves make small sounds underneath my feet as I walk. (Ik I said summer but I wore jackets in the summer soo shhh)

Half way threw my walk I start to get paranoid as the sounds of the woods faints into pure silence, minus my footsteps. "Ok this is not as nice as I thought it would be..."

?? POV~

As I walk threw the my territory, I notice small footsteps walking further into my woods. I've been craving for a chase and here is someone to kind enough to just offer themselves to me on a silver plate!~ I hope you survive longer then the last guy, he was a overweight though....but who better run my little prey~

~~~~timeskip brought to you by a chib wolf dragging (y/n) away~~~~~~~~~~~

I start humming a song when I see a girl around my age in a red heart is racing...more then usual. She looks so beautiful dressed in red...I believe that this is my red riding hood! "My little red~" oh just saying that makes my spine shiver in delight. "Don't worry little red~ your big bad wolf is here to take you away from here~"

I run ahead of her making it easier to ambush her, as long as she doesn't turn off the path that is.

(y/n) POV~

I stop in my tracks hearing footsteps. I look around and start to freak out a bit. "Ok...ok calm down I dont see anything and I'm just hearing things....thanks grandma your words made it so I can't walk in the woods without thinking somethings there.." I sigh as I continue to walk seeing the big oak tree. Ok then all I have to do is make a left then I'll be there.

I smile until a voice breaks the dead silence. (Start the song) running away back to my house I hear the voice getting louder and louder no matter how fast I ran, I had to go home because if this voice belongs to the killer I don't want them finding my grandma...why didn't I listen to her!

While running my foot gets snagged on a branch causing me to fall and slide across the floor. The voice chuckles and I see there feet in front of my face. "Hello my little red~" my vision is wavering a bit "I hope that you dont mind, but I have to knock you out~ dont worry though! I'll be here to make sure you stay alive when you wake up...then we can finally have some fun~" I then black out.


I hope you all enjoy this short one shot! But if you want a part two please let me know so I can start it right away! Until next time my kittens~

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