love is love no matter what (Trans Vampier x Female reader

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Hello my lovely readers! Ik it's been a while, but do not fret I didn't forget my kittens! This story is a bit different but all together the same! I hope you enjoy this story and if you don't like it..... then I don't care! :3

(y/n) pov~

This is a story about how I met a rather interesting person, her name is Naomi VanTrilles (van - tree ves) as her name might give away, she is upper class. Not only that she is also a beauty of its own right, her family is well know around our community since her grandmother founded this small town.

She's also popular within our school, everyone just seems to flock to her, she's the queen of the school and in town. But the secret is, if you can call it that, she was once a he. A prince instead if a princess. There was people telling us that she was always female. But I don't buy it, I don't care what gender they might be but there is no need to hide it.

I think her parents are the ones that are spreading this rumor around, about always being a girl, to save there reputation. I'm not sure but it's a gut feeling. Though it could be that I also have falling for this beauty shrouded in darkness. Her stunning red eyes freeze me in place when feel them on my person, her composer and manner is graceful. We maybe in college but this little crush of mine is getting out of hand to say the least.

3rd person pov~

(y/n) sighs silently while putting away her small journal she was writing in. Yet again confessing her feelings to the book instead of being brave. Her friend since high school sits next to her, she waves her hand in front of her friend's face.

"Hey, you awake in there?" Her friend giggles while (y/n) blushes lightly, giving a slight pout. "You know better then to scare me like that! When did you get here anyways?" Her friend rests her arm on the table while supporting her head in her hand. "I just got here, after you said 'I love Naomi I wish she'd fuck me' for the 100th time this month"

(Y/n) now red with anger flicks her friends forehead. "I did not write that and you know it!" She shouts slightly louder then she wanted getting a few on lookers. The friend rubs her head while whining. "Owie, sooo mean! I was only kidding (n/n)!" (Y/n) looks the other way not bothering to respond anymore to her childish behavior and remarks. Little did these two girls know that the devil has ears everywhere.

Naomi's pov~

I'm leaning against the wall of the girl's bathroom, thinking about how to track down this smell I keep finding around this school. This intoxicating stink of human, but something more, this smell of want and need. This stink stays in my mind and torchers me, nags me, haunts me to no extent. I want whoever this smell belongs to, I want this human to be my pet and feeder~

Not long after this thought enters my mind do I realize I'm freaking out. I take deep breaths and try to clear my hungered filled mind. Splashing some water in my face the drying it off, the door to the bathroom opens. "Who is it?" The paper is still in my face while the figure walks closer. "It's just me, no need to be tense Naomi." I smile slightly as I turn to see Rose. "I'm not tense, just hungry" a smirk crosses her face while I turn fully facing her now.

"I believe I have someone of interest, that you might find fun" I raise an eyebrow, her smirk still there, seeing my interest "well go on. Tell me what you found" my arms slightly crossed, tilting my head. "There is this shy girl in room 306, she apparently has a crush, on our beauty, as she puts it." I start to lose interest and I'm pretty sure it's clear in my face as well. "Before you tell me no, it's around the area you claim, that smells like human stink?"

My eyes now trained on her, In less then a second, I'm now in front of her. "Show me" her composer stayed the same but her eyes gave her away. She was scared, she should be. Not long after her silent fear settles, she leads the way to room 306. The smell is starting to get stronger, and stronger still until we're finally in the room. Rose tells me who she believes I want. Here's hoping.

(Y/n) pov~

My friend keeps trying to get my attention while i simply ignore her. "(y/n) look at me or I swear I'm gonna ask her out!" I turn with a sharp glare. "You wouldn't dare" my voice calm and quiet. "Watch me! I Ellie will do it and then you'll have to apologize to me" I'm getting pissed off at her childish behavior since it seams to rub off on me. Making me do the same thing.

"Am I interrupting something?" I turn and freeze seeing those red eyes looking at me, truly looking at me "u-um ......n-no?" Dammit (y/n)! "I see, well if I'm not interrupting then I would like to talk to your friend here....Ellie was it?" Wait.....she wants to talk to her?....

"Yes that's me! What's up princess?" I sweat drop at her words, but mostly upset because I have a feeling I know what her next words are. "Hehe, funny....listen would you like to hang out tonight?" Her smile gives me a slight shiver down my spine, while my heart breaks. "Sure! Wanna meet after classes?" Naomi nods with her same smile. I turn to face the wall trying to hid the pain in my eyes as my crush walks away. Ellie now smiling and crossing her around across her chest. "Told you I'd so it"

I refused to speak to her for the rest of the class. To full of hate, love, and mostly sadness. Ellie the whole time was trying to get me to talk to her. I of course refused, she kept apologizing to me telling me she'll just ditch the meet up. But I didn't listen. I never wanted to listen to her again. Little did I know how true that wish came true so fast.

~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by heart-broken reader~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(y/n) pov~

Later that night, after crying and eating some ice cream. I decide to head outside for some fresh air, and to possible get my mind off of my friend and my crush. I won't forgive her for this betrayal, but I'm willing to take her back if she promises to buy me my favorite book series online for a whole year. I chuckle at my thought while holding my head.

I really must have liked this girl I never even really met, liked her enough to consider almost killing my friend. I'm kidding of course but still it was possible. A small sigh escapes my lips while walking down one of the campus pathways. That was until I heard sounds of moans and sucking, gross, get a room jeez! "Hey there this cool thing called a dorm room!" The sound stops. Thinking nothing more of it I continue to walk. Until the wind is knocked out of my lungs.

I gasp at the sudden impact of my back and head hitting the wall. My vision slightly blurry, but even without a clear view I can still see the body on the floor. Ellie's body, and the one holding me against the wall is none other then Naomi. "W-wha?" My head hurts as my stomach turns.

"No need to fret~ now that I have found you, you don't need to worry about pesky little humans~" she licks the side of my head that hit the wall. Now feeling small drops of blood falling down my face. Her slight smile and cold hands froze me in place while she looks into my fearful eyes. "You look so delicious love~"

I shake and try to pry her fingers off of my neck. This only seemed to amuse her more, at my attempt of escaping from her. "W-why?" Is the only question that left my lips. She just smiles down at me. "Well love~ it's simple" she leans close to my ear while she squeezes my neck. "I want you~ you and your blood~ be happy this is the truest sign of love from us vampires~"

And after a few minutes I blackout from the lack of oxygen in my lungs. She lets go and catches me, "let's go home now love~ I can't wait to break you~" and that is the first time I met my lover and owner, and now here I am loved and still writing in this silly book. I guess love is love no matter what kind

And this is the longest chapter I have ever written and I really hope you all love it! Please let me know what you think and I hope to write another chapter soon! Until next time kittens~

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