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Aang looked around, suddenly very confused as to where he was. Last thing he remembered was falling asleep on top of Katara after they had...

Aang smiled, thinking back on what he and Katara had been doing. It was one of the best moments of his life and he was sure she felt the same. Where was she though? Where was he? This was obviously not their bedroom.

Aang's eyes scanned his surroundings, looking for any sign of anything that might be familiar. He was in a dark, dense forest...it was probably a swamp. However, unlike most forests, where life seemed to be everywhere, this forest was completely silent...no sign of life at all.

It was then that he noticed the height of the trees; how the towered hundreds of feet above him. There wasn't anything like it that existed in the world. From that and the fact that this place had an eerie haze surrounding it, Aang's mind reached one conclusion: he was, somehow, in the spirit world.

Welcome Avatar, we have been waiting for you for a long time.

Aang spun around upon hearing the voice echoing through the forest. It didn't sound like a human voice at all though; it was more like a deep, slow grumble.

We hope that you would be willing to assist us.

Aang couldn't see anything. As far as he could tell, he was alone. Who was speaking then?

The Avatar is the key to everything. We share the same past...We have the same goals.

"Who are you?" Aang's voice echoed back. He didn't really know what else to do but to ask.

We are peace.

That didn't make much sense.

"What do you want?" Aang asked, curious as to what this spirit's goals were. Sure, he had lots of spirits come up to him and speak with him sometimes, but this one seemed, well...different.

Your attention. Wait...and we will come.

"Uhh...okay?" Aang scratched his head and looked around for anything that was coming his way.

Suddenly, his eyes feel upon a man. He couldn't see the man's features however as he was clouded by the darkness that was covering this area of the spirit world. Aang couldn't help but have a sinking feeling that something was very wrong. Everyplace he had been to in the spirit world had been full of exotic creatures and this place just seemed...dead. The only thing there was the man, standing a couple dozen feet away from him.

"Get out of here," the man said in a sharp voice.

"Why? What's going on?" Aang asked, realizing this was a different spirit that the one he had just been talking to and he started to step forwards but the man's anxious voice stopped him.

"There is no time to explain. They're almost here. Leave. NOW!" the man screamed the last word, looking around himself and Aang cautiously.

"I don't underst-"

Aang was cut off when the man's body suddenly glowed a bright blue and he felt an energy surge through him. The world around him seemed to collapse, the man had disappeared, and Aang was briefly able to see some creature move in the corner of his eye before everything faded to black.

Aang's eyes opened as he felt someone lying beneath him. It was Katara, and they were both in the same position that he remembered them being in. Aang blushed at remembering the he was still inside of her.

He was distracted however by what had just happened. Was that all a dream?

Aang shook his head. That couldn't have been a dream. He had been in the spirit world and one thing was certain...something was going on that he didn't know about.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: ReemergenceWhere stories live. Discover now