Chapter 29 ~ Packing + Parental Struggles

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"Oh my gosh I've just thought!" Layla squealed. I looked up, over the mountain of clothes laying on her bed, at her and waited for her to continue what she was going to say. "What are you doing about your clothes for Wrestlemania?" She asked.

Yep, I still haven't told Layla I'm not welcome at Wrestlemania this year. Guess that kind of makes me a bad friend, huh? Believe me, I've been trying to tell her but there's not been a proper opportunity to tell her."What do you mean?" I frowned and sat up so that I could see her better.

"You know, you did only pack for coming to Austin..." She said slowly. My face eased, indicating that I knew what she was talking about. "So what are you going to do?" She asked.

"Well, Taminas living in New Orleans at the moment. It's about a 10 minute drive from the stadium so I could always just borrow some clothes from her." I shrugged. "I'll call her later." Layla smiled and carried on folding her clothes.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a while. Surprisingly it didn't take long for Layla to go through the Mount Everest pile of clothes that laid on her bed, deciding what to take to New Orleans and what not to take. The only thing she had left to do was to pack her shoes that she was wanting to take which she decided to do tomorrow morning before the flight which was at night.

"So who's looking after Joey?" I asked before breaking out into a yawn.

She sat next to me on the bed before falling backwards onto her back. "Cody's sister is watching him." She said bluntly. "She'll probably be here within the next hour or two." She added. I nodded and fell back so that I was laying next to her.

Joeys cry was heard and Layla groaned. She pulled herself up and I followed after her. We walked into joeys nursery and he was pointing to his bear that had fallen out of the crib. He was stood up against the side of the crib, rubbing his eye with a dummy ("pacifier") in his mouth. His light brown hair was all over the place and he had severe bed hair. I picked up the bear for him as Layla pulled him from the crib.

The bear began making noises and I dropped it because it startled me. Layla began laughing and I realised that the bear was singing a nursery rhyme. Joey stopped crying and he watched the bear on the floor. I picked it up once again and I handed the bear to Joey. Layla and I exited the nursery and made our way to the living room.

Dusty and Cody was out, they had gone shooting with a few of Dusty's old friends. Layla placed Joey down on the play mat with his toys whilst I got comfortable in the couch. Layla joined me after collecting the TV remote from the coffee table.

"So do you know when you're coming back to work?" I asked, attempting to start a conversation. Layla ignored my question and continued glaring at the TV. "Hello?" I asked, waving my hand in her face attempting to grab her attention. She laughed awkwardly at something on the TV, making it clear that she was avoiding my question. I narrowed my eyes and snatched the remote from her grasp before muting the TV.

"Hey!" She whined and pouted, turning to face me.

"Hey!" I mocked her. "Answer the question." I said sternly. She sighed and pulled her knees to her chest. She sighed a few moments later before rubbing her neck. "You are coming back to work, right?" I asked, my voice was quiet.

She turned her hard so that she was looking at me. "Jordyn." She paused. "I..." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I honestly don't know." She shrugged.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I asked. "I thought that they guaranteed you another contract?" I frowned, adjusting my whole body so that I was completely focusing on our conversation now.

"It's not that." She mumbled, almost under her breath.

"What?" I frowned again.

She sighed. "I don't know if I...if I want to go back." She spoke honestly, rushing the last part of the sentence out. I stared at her. Was she really saying this? I was just about to slap myself to check whether or not I was dreaming when she opened her mouth to continue. "Becoming a mother, it changes the way you see things." She spoke softly. "It would honestly kill me if I was away from Joey for 300 plus days a year."

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