Chapter 20 ~ Changes in Storylines + Guess Who?

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I knocked on the office door and waited for a response.

"Come in!" I heard faintly.

I opened the door and stepped inside. "Paul, you wanted to see me?" I asked Paul who was sat at his desk in his and Stephanie's office.

He looked up from the paperwork laid out in front of him and smiled. "Ah, yes. Jordyn, take a seat." He pointed to the seats placed in front of his desk. I sat down on the chair and waited for him to continue. "Unfortunately there's been a change in storyline."

"Why?" I ask, frowning. Paul shuffles some of his paperwork around on his desk before placing his hands together.

"I got a call this morning, Evan has broken his collarbone. He will be out of work for an estimated 12 months." Paul smiles sincerely before shrugging.

"What about the Mixed Tag Team titles?"

"Myself and Steph have been discussing the actions we should take and we was thinking about getting you a new partner."

I nod and smile eagerly.


My smile fades.

"Due to the person we have chosen, you will also be involved in a new storyline. We hope you don't mind taking part in this angle. The reason as to why you need to take part in another storyline is because it would make no sense to have the person you are teaming with as your partner. Another valid explanation is because it may take a few weeks to build up. For now, the Mixed titles are on hiatus." Paul stands up from his seat whilst speaking and leans against his desk.

"So who's my partner?" I ask.

"We cannot tell you before the decisions are final." He shrugs. I nod and stand up from my chair.

"Thank you, sir." I shake his hand before making my way to the door.

"No problem, Jordyn." He smiles. "Are you okay with getting a new partner?"

"Yeah.. It'll be nice to work with somebody different.." I slightly trail off. "Bye Paul."

"Bye Jordyn." I hear before closing the door and making my way back to the locker room.

Upon entering, Saraya and my cousin Tamina are talking whilst watching the TV monitor. "Hey guys!" I yell walking behind the couch they was sat on.

"JJ!" Tamina squeals, pulling me over the couch from behind. I laugh and squirm so I was sitting upright.

"So! What did Paul want to see you about?" Saraya asked.

I faced them and pulled a sad expression. "I'm fired." I joked.

Saraya and Taminas eyes opened and they wrapped their arms around me attempting to comfort me. I pulled away and started laughing. They looked at each other before looking at me again.

"Not funny." Tamina says, shaking her head.

"So what did he talk to you about?" Saraya asked again.

"Change in my storyline."


"Evan broke his collarbone." I shrugged. Saraya raised her eyebrows and Tamina showed no sign of emotion. The room stayed quiet before the sound of the bell ringing stole our attention.

I looked up at the monitor and watched the match between Dean Ambrose (Jon) and Roman Reigns (Joe) vs. Goldust (Dustin) and Cody Rhodes.

Dean and Goldust lock up, Goldust immediately taking the upper hand. Dean drops to his knees and low-blows Goldust. Ambrose stands up and flaunts. He points to Cody and laughs. Cody shakes his head and Roman nods and smirks with Dean. Goldust stands back up and sends Dean into his corner and tags in Cody. Goldust punches Dean once more before leaving the ring. Dean is dazed and takes a few steps forward. Cody jumps on to the top turnbuckle and performs Cross-Rhodes. With Dean on the floor, Cody goes for the pin. 1..2.. Kick out. Dean begins army-crawling over to Roman to make a tag but Cody drags him by his leg back into the ring. Dean turns onto his back and kicks Cody away from him. He makes enough time to tag Roman in. Roman comes into the ring and clotheslines Cody. Goldust leans over the top rope and attempts to make a tag. Roman pulls Cody back to their corner and attacks him with the spe...

"Knock, knock..."

Myself, Saraya and Tamina turn around. My mouth drops open and I jump over the couch. Stood by the open door is Layla with baby Joey in a baby carrier. I jog over and hug Layla, watching the baby carrier.

"Oh my god, Lay!" I shake my head. "You didn't tell me you was coming!"

She chuckles. "I wanted it to be a surprise. Surprise!" She jokes.

I roll my eyes jokingly and look over at Baby Joey. Saraya and Tamina are talking to Layla and asking if she was okay. "Oh god! Doesn't Joey look like his dad?" I raise my eyebrows and smile.

"Poor kid." Saraya says, making everyone laugh.

"Ah, look he's smiling!" Tamina grins.

"Oh, is this Cody's match?" Layla asks motioning to the screen. We nod and she takes a seat on the couch. Layla takes Joey from the baby carrier and holds him on her knee.

"I can't believe how much he's grown." Tamina explains.

Layla laughs but continues watching the match.

Roman and Dean had won after Roman speared Cody. There music played throughout the arena and they stops on the ropes celebrating their victory.

"Oh god, is Cody okay?" Layla's eyes widen as Cody clutches his ribs. Goldust is helping Cody out of the ring and is assisting him up the ramp.

"C'mon let's go see them." I said. Layla stood up and handed me Joey. We exited the locker room and Saraya followed behind. Tamina didn't come with us because she had to film a promo with AJ. I carried Joey to Gorilla where Cody was laying down on one of the equipment boxes. A few medics and doctors were inspecting his rib cage. When Cody saw Layla, his eyes lit up and attempted to sit up. He failed. He winced and laid back down. Layla walked closer to Cody and stood by Dustin who was explaining what happened during the match.

A few more superstars and divas came around checking that he was okay. Saraya stood by me until Emma and Bayley from NXT told her she needed to go see somebody. I stood by myself playing with Joey whilst Layla and Cody were pushed into the Medical room. Dustin came to stand next to me. His face paint was nearly off. He turned and looked at me.

"You okay, Dustin?" I asked.

He shook his head, no. "Not really."

"Why?" I frowned, cradling Joey.

"Creative is thinking about splitting me and Cody up. Their thinking about doing a brother vs. brother match at Wrestlemania."

I squinted. "If you think about it though, more single matches for you." I nodded.

He shook his head again. "Nope, it was going to be a 'loser leaves WWE' match. Obviously, the loser would be me because I'm older."

"Oh." I paused. "I know it's not a good thing if he's injured but they might hold the match off if he is injured."

"Cody wanted to do the match at Wrestlemania."

I sighed and shook my head.

Cody and Layla came out of the Medical room, surrounded by doctors. Cody was being wheeled on a stretcher in the direction of the ambulance. Layla spotted me and came over to me.

"Jord, could you do me a huge favour just for tonight, please?" She begged.

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Can you have Joey for tonight? I'll come and get him tomorrow from your hotel. Cody's got to go to the hospital and get x-rays and depending on what's happened, he's got to stay overnight."

I looked down at Joey before glancing up at Layla's desperate face. Come on Jordyn, don't be selfish.

"Sure." I sighed.

"Great! Thank you sooooo much! The carrier and the bag is in the locker room." Layla gave me a quick hug before turning to Dustin. "You can come to, Dustin?"

Dustin nodded and jumped down from the equipment box. He said a quick goodbye and gave me a hug before jogging over with Layla to the ambulance and hopping in the back.

I sat on the equipment box and glanced down at Joey.

"Well, it's just you and me, kid." I smiled at him. Joey smiled back at me and my heart melted.

"Hey." Someone muttered.

I turned around and saw him stood there. My eyes widened and I couldn't resist the smile that was appearing on my face.

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