Chapter 23 ~ Good Morning + Meeting

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{||A/N: HAAAAAY GUYS! Did you miss me? Yep, thought not. Sorry I've been such a crap writer/publisher/updaterer thingy. Can't even remember the last time I posted a chapter howeverrrrr I do have my reasons but I don't want to bore you so to keep it short and sweet, I hope you enjoy this well-deserved chapter!||}

I woke up, my throat and legs killing. The sunlight beams through the blinds and attacks my eyes. I squint and yawn as I get up. I stretch my arms and end up hitting something next to me. It moves and I hit my head on the headboard in shock. It sits up and I realise it's Jon. My eyes widen. He moves over and has the same reaction as me when he sees me. "Um, hi." I say.

Smooth Jordyn. Real smooth.

"Hey." He speaks in his luscious morning voice. Did I just say Jon is luscious? What is the world coming to?

My eyes shoot over to his abs as he turns over to face me. He opened his eyes and sat straight up. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Me? What are you doing here?" I exclaimed. Then I paused and thought for a second. "Wait, who's room are we in?"

"I don't know." Jon shrugs and yes, his morning voice is still there. Ah, heaven. Stop, naughty Jordyn!

I stand up and literally fall to the floor as I begin to walk. Jon laughs and my thighs kill. "Shut up!"

"Jordyn? Why are you wearing my shirt?" He asks, standing up from the bed. I look down and realise I'm wearing the top I remember Jon wearing last night.

I looked over at Jon. "Why are you in your boxers?"

"I sleep in my boxers, duh." He smirks before heading over to the bathroom. I frown and Jon suddenly stops. He turns around. His facial expression matched mine. "You don't think Yanoee."

My eyes widened and I shook my head vigorously. Jon nodded and sighed what I believed to be a sigh of relief. He went in the bathroom and closed the door behind me. A moment later, the shower switched on. I used the bed to help me stand up. I looked under my top and realised that I had no bra nor no pants on.

I looked around for my bra, I realised it was under the pile of clothes on the chair. I quickly got changed into everything except from the top from last night. I tucked Jon's shirt into my skirt before grabbing the clutch bag. I checked that it had everything in it. I carried my bag and walked slowly back to my hotel room.

My thighs killed and I hoped nobody came out of their hotel rooms and saw me. This was complete agony and there is no other way to describe the pain.

I made it to my hotel room and as soon as I got in I had a hot shower. I stepped out and I wasn't in as much pain. I got dressed into a pair of trackie bottoms and a tank top before tying my towel-dried hair in a messy top knot on the top of my head.

My phone began to ring and I walked over to answer it. The caller ID read: Steph McMahon. I answered it instantly.


"Jordyn? Hi, it's Steph."

"Oh hey."

"Do you think you could meet us at the arena for a small meeting, please?"

"Yeah, that's no problem. I was actually going to head over to development but I suppose I can go after the meeting.."

"Thank you so much, Jordyn."

"No problem."


And with that, the line went dead. I placed a Nike sweatshirt over my gym bag before putting my black Roshe runs' on. I exited the hotel room and went down in the elevator to the lobby. Nattie and Brie was also heading out. "Nattie, Brie!" I called them.

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