Shattered heart

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Heartblossom was sleeping silently on her soft nest of leaves and feathers. Her parents were in another secotion of their tree. Yes, Heartblossom and her family lived in i giant old tree. The branches of the Tree swayed in the soft breeze in the clear restful night. The moon shone fully in the glorious night sky. Inside the tree was silence, only the sound of breathing and russling of leaves as the family shifted in their sleep. Then all of a sudden Heartblossom smelled smoke. She jolted awake to hear the crackling of flames.

"Mom! Dad!" Heartblossom cried.

"Heartblossom, dear!" Her mother called as they all entered the main part of the tree.

"Mom what's going on?!" Heartblossom asked fearfully as a flaming tree branch fell past the entrance to the tree.

"She knows, she has to leave." Heartblossom's mom whispered to Heartblossom's dad.

"What's going on? Who knows?!" Heartblossom's voice cracked as her eyes filled with tears.

"Hope and Ash, hand over your chosen daughter!" An unfamiliar voice called from outside of the Tree.

Heartblossom looked out of the hole that was the only entrance to the tree to seenone other than...

"Shadow Peacock!" Ash yelled.

"Dad? Whose Shadow Peacock?" Heartblossom asked her ears folded against her head.

"Someone you don't want to mess with." Hope growled deeply.

"Mom? Mom! What's going on? What are we going to do? Our home is burning down!" Heartblossom cried, she had so many questions and little answers. The only things she knew were that their tree, their beloved home, was burning down. And Heartblossom knew that there was someone named Shadow Peacock outside.

"Run Heartblossom! Run as fast as you can until you are hidden and safe in the forest!" Hope howled at her daughter.

"But mom...i'm scared! I don't wanna go." Heartblossom's voice cracked at the last sentence, as she let tears stream down her face.

"No buts! GO! We'll holdthem off." Hope howled again.

Heartblossom nodded, tears still streaming down her face. Her parents jumped out of the tree and started fighting the small armada that Shadow had brought.(The nickname is back! Cause I'm lazyyyyyy) Heartblossom took one last good look at her house, making sure she would have all the memories of this place inside her, then she took a deep breath. She jumped out of the Tree and ran as fast as her four legs could take her.

Heartblossom heard pawsteps behind her. Probaly some of the wolves I saw. She thought. A large grey wolf in bright shiny armour tackled her. Heartblossom struggled under the weight of the wolf as it slashed her cheek with it's claws. She yelped in pain and managed to turn around and kicked her back legs as hard as she could making the wolf roll off of her. Heartblossom got up at took off as fast as she could. She could still hear the wolves behind her. Heartblossom stopped and turned around. The wolves stopped a few yards away from her growling. Heartblossom jumped on to one of the wolves. The wolf yelped in surprise as the other one attempted to jump on Heartblossom. But she jumped out of the way so the wolf landed on the other. Heartblossom didn't take time to admire her work, she just ran.

Soon enough the forest came into view. Heartblossom pushed herself to go faster. She had almost made it to the forest when she remembered about the cliffs that shielded the forest, but it was to late. Heartblossom fell tumbling down the jagged cliff. When she reached the ground everything went black in her vision.


Hi peeps I'm so sorry for not updating for so long :( Anyways i hope you all had a great christmas! :) and happy New year! May 2021 be a great year for you!

Please comment and I'll see you next time, anyways Adios 😸

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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