Chapter one: follow the flames.

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Flame was a young magical fox with wings. Her fur was bright flame orange and her legs and paws were a dark chocolate brown almost black. The bottom tip of her wings and tail glew a bright flame color as well as her two front paws. Flame spent her days running around the hills and cliffs near her den. Her parents would never let her go into the forest, and they never told her why. What was also strange is that neither of Flame's parents had wings, or her bright flame colored fur. She longed to go into the forest, but her parents always said no. Flame always assumed it's because, when she touched grass it would die and turn black, like it was burned. Flame also didn't know how to fly, so her wings usually got in her way. especially when she had to squeeze into the opening to her den.  her parents never left the den with Flame, she never knew why.

Today as she jumped and ran along the cliffs, she tripped and fell down the cliff side into the forest. Flame knew she wasn't allowed into the forest, so she turned around to head home, her head and tail dropping like a wet fern. Her fur was sticking up and had a few bits in it. When Flame got home her mom called to her.

"Flame! Where have you been honey? We've been waiting for you to go hunting." Flame perked up.

"Does that mean I'm going with you today?!" Flame almost squealed. She had a bright glint in her eye that indicated excitement.

"No honey we were waiting so we can go." Her father said as he gestered to him and Flame's mom.

"Oh." Flame said as that spark disappeared from her eyes.

"Honey remember we don't go out in public with you. So stay in the den." Flame's mom said cheerily.

"Yeah yeah." Flame said as she squeezed her way into the den.

"We'll be back either in an hour, or tomorrow." Flame's dad said.

Then Flame's parents trotted off happily. Tears filled Flames eyes as she closed them.

Sorry guys I know this isn't disney, but I LOVE music and writing songs, so there's a song coming up.

"Why am I always left behind?" Flame began.

"Why can't they see there's more to me?" She sang sadly trying to hold back tears.

"Why can't they see there's more to me than just. My. Wings?" Flame couldn't hold them back, tears stream down her face near her muzzle.

"Why can't they love me? Why can't they see my personality?" Flame stood up.

"They only see that I'm different than the other magic foxes, they only see what's on the outside." Flame looked at the entrance to the den.

"I try to act like I accept it. I try to act like the bee doesn't sting, like the sword doesn't cut." Flame ran outside of the den.

"But the bee's sting hurts and the sword cuts deep. And why can't they see that they hurt me?

" Flame ran towards the forest. "I listen to their every word, their every command! Yet it seems that they don't care, that I will never mean anything to them." Flame stopped crying.

"I don't need to follow their rules! I don't need to follow their lies!" Flame charged into the forest.

"I will forge my own path, in the wild!" Flame sang as the song ended. Flame was finally in the forest! She was finally where she wanted to be.

Hi guys, hopped you enjoyed this chapter, I don't really have any plans for this book, so feel free to comment! I'm proud of this chapter and I hope that you enjoyed the song

Until next time Adios 😸

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