Chapter two: Eye of a tiger.

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Lilac was walking through the forest. She was a beautiful big tiger, she had purple fur and a white underbelly with big purple wings. She grew up alone in the forest so she knew this enchanted place more than anyone. Lilac knew how to glide with her wings, but the forest was too dense for a giant tiger to fly. Lilac always felt connected to the magical wild flowers that grew in the forest. She could never explain it though. Lilac didn't have parents, but the forest always felt motherly to her. Lilac gazed around the forest, then walked over to a big pond and hopped on to an oversized lilly pad. It supported Lilac's weight, even though she was big. Lilac didn't really know how to be graceful, but the animals that came around every now and then said she was big, powerful, and graceful. Lilac never understood how all these things could be one, but she seemed to have achieved that. Lilac looked up at the sky, even though she couldn't see it, she knew that night was upon the world.

The flowers around Lilac all lit up, filling the forest with a calming beautiful pink light. Lilac stood up, jumped to the shore of the lake and took a walk through the quiet forest. Most animals would be creeped out by how quiet the forest was at night, but Lilac had gotten used to it. She came to a small cliff that had a dark cave under it that reached the ground. There was a small stream flowing into the cave. It glew the most beautiful white crystal color. A lot of things glew in the forest at night, the ponds, streams, rivers, and lakes, but so did the flowers. Even Lilac's dark purple stripes glew at night! When Lilac was younger, her glowing stripes scared her. Now though Lilac didn't mind them, she even thought they were cool, they made her unique.

Growing up in the forest meant that Lilac got to experience this beauty every night, but no one else really did. No animal ever came into the enchanted forest. It was forbidden in the other tribes. But the animals that did come were astounded by the beauty of this place. Even Lilac still finds the forest beautiful, even she found new plants that glew. Once she found the most beautiful patch of giant mushrooms. There are four of them. One glew a light blue, another glew a beautiful pink, the third glew a bright turquoise, and the fourth glew a magenta color. Lilac often slept on these giant mushrooms. Lilac glided down the cliff where she was, and started heading twords the mushrooms. Then there was a rustling from some bushes nearby. Lilac growled.

"Who's there?!" Lilac roared.

Lilac spoke very little, but her voice was powerful, and carried a sense of dread to whoever listened to it, a warning not to mess with her. But her voice was also warm, and soothing somehow. The rustling came again.

"Who's There?!" Lilac roared again.

"I won't hesitate to bite your tail off!" Lilac threatened.

But what happened next Lilac wouldn't believe. Flame jumped out of the bushes on top of Lilac, the shock of the blow caused Lilac to fall on to her back, Flame standing on her.

"Gotcha!" Flame's playful voice rang in the air.

"What does thou mean? Aren't thou here to hurt me?" Lilac asked confused.

"No, I came because I felt like the forest was calling me and I was tired of my parents being mean to me just because I have wings." Flame explained.

"Then why art thou on top of me?" Lilac asked, still confused.

"Because, I was playing. I've been stalking you all night, but you were never within reach." Flame said as if it was normal to pounce on a stranger.

"Oh, well canst thou please get OFF OF ME?!" Lilac half shouted.

"Oh right sorry." Flame said as she sheepishly lowered her head while climbing off Lilac.

Lilac stood up and shook out her fur.

"What is thy name?" Lilac asked, she needed a friend no matter how much she thought she didn't.

Flame perked up.

"I'm Flame and I'm a fire fox!" Flame announced proudly.

"Come. If the forest really is calling to you, then some of your fur will glow." Lilac said as she started walking.

"I'm well, I'm already glowing." Flame said confused.

Lilac looked at Flame to see that she was right! Flame's front paws were glowing (same as the first chapter) so was her wing and tail tips.

"Then come, we should sleep." Lilac said, as she started walking again. Flame follows, glowing with excitement.( Figuratively)

When they got to the glowing mushrooms, Flame was amazed!

"I call the pink one!" Flame called. Before Lilac could answer, Flame was already trying to get on the tall pink Mushroom.

"Flame, like this." Lilac said.

Lilac hopped on to the shortest of the mushrooms which was the light blue one. Lilac then hopped on to the turquoise one which was a little taller than the light blue one. Then on to the taller magenta one, finally to the tall pink one. Lilac reached down twords Flame.

"Whoa! Wait what are you doing?!" Flame stressed.

Lilac grabbed Flame's scruff and hauled her up on to the glowing pink Mushroom.

"Calm down." Lilac said as Flame stood on the mushroom. Flame layed down on the mushroom sleepily.

"Good night." Lilac said as she settled down on the magenta mushroom.

"Goodnight." Flame said half asleep. As Lilac closed her eyes, Flame mumbles something.

"What was that?" Lilac asked, her head slowly rising up and looking at Flame.

Flame sleepily rose her head and said

"I like your glowing stripes." Then Flame layed her head back on to her paws.

Lilac didn't know what to say. Lilac looked at her front paws. Her glowing stripes seemed to pulse. Lilac layed her head down and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Oh wow 1000 words! I can't believe it! Also I should mention that I do not own any pics in this book. I loved writing this chapter, and I hope you like it to.

Feel free to comment! Don't be a ghost reader! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Well until next time Adios 😸

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