Linny the Yule Ball Chapter 5

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 "Here comes Ginny." Ian smiled.

Luna blushed. "How do i look?"

"You look perfect. Ginny thinks so too. I can tell by the vay her mouth is open and how she has stopped valking on the way to probably crush me for talking to you."

"She wouldn't kill you." Would she?

"She looks really mad now." Ian said as he looked past Luna and smirked. "She's definitely going to kill me." Ian leaned down and whispered in her ear,  "Have fun Luna. I think she really likes you."

Luna covered her smile with a hand. While Ian took the other and kissed it.

"Thank you so much Ian!"

"It vas my pleasure. But now i must disappear or your girlfriend will destroy me."

Ginny's POV

              Luna looked incredible in a short navy-blue dress with an open back and turtleneck, silver swirls around the collar that matched her shoes and the pretty tiara that sat on her white blonde curls which were pinned up except for a few loose strands. Ginny noticed she had kept her radish earrings in, and her butterbeer cork necklace had been turned into and anklet for the special occasion.  

But it seemed that Ginny wasn't the only one to notice how gorgeous Luna was. Why in the name of merlin's saggy left backside was Ian still there? And why was he talking to Luna? He was only supposed to bring her to the ball, not slobber all over her! Ginny could feel her face heating up and she knew if she didn't calm down it would match her hair. She took a breath but was still fuming. At that moment Ian looked up from his conversation with Luna and saw Ginny; not yet calmed down.  

Ian smirked and bent down to whisper something in Luna's ear. Luna's hand went up to her mouth as if to hide a smile. He then backed up, bowed, took Luna's hand and kissed it.

That crossed the line. Ginny stormed over to Luna ready to punch Ian in the face, but when she got there he had disappeared.

"Hi Ginny." Said Luna like Ian had never been there in the first place.

Ginny who was still confused, responded.  "You look great!"

"You look very nice too." smiled Luna.

It wasn't a lie. Ginny was wearing a dark green knee length dress that puffed out at her hips. The top part was tight and had green lace designs. She wore a small green gem on a chain and matching earrings.

"Thanks, Hermione helped me touch up a bit." 

"It's nice," Luna remarked. 

'Where's Ian?"

"I told him to go have some fun I didn't much feel like dancing." She kept the 'with him' part quiet.

"It's very hot in here isn't it?" Said Luna.

"I bet it's the Nargles." Said Ginny jokingly. "Want to go outside?"

Luna nodded and the two of them walked outside. "It's more likely Wrackspurt" She said seriously. "Their body temperature goes up when there are a lot of them together..." 

Hi Guys!

I've got nothing to say; courtesy of lockdown. So, I love you all, you're amazing! Stay Safe!

-Neo :)

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