Linny The Yule Ball Chapter 2

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                Ginny and Luna were walking outside in the ankle-deep snow while more lightly dusted their hair. Luna looked like a snow queen. Her usually pale cheeks had a rosy pink colored flush, the same as the tip of her nose. Her Navy-blue cardigan was dusted with beautiful white flakes. Her long white blonde hair was down and wavy also covered in flakes. Her eyes reflected the winter wonderland around her. Though she didn't know it Luna was thinking the same about her; the snow contrasted perfectly with her fiery red hair. Neither of them realized that they had stopped and were now just staring at each other. But the moment was broken when Viktor Krum yelled Ginny's name.

"Ginny! Ginny Veasley! Vait can I talk to you?" Krum was smiling like a maniac.

"You go on ahead," Ginny told Luna. "I'll catch up."

Luna kept walking though there was a small frown on her face hidden from Ginny's view. Ginny waited for Krum to catch up to her.

"Hello again Ginny," He said when he had caught his breath. "I vanted to thank you for your tips. They helped me a lot. I really like Hermyown"- at which Ginny cringed but did not interrupt- "and I am very happy she has agreed to go to the ball vith me. So, I vanted to thank you. Vat can I help you with? You are in only third year vitch means you cannot go to the ball unless an older student asks you, I can get vone of my friends to ask you if you vould like. Or I could-"

"Viktor, thank you for offering but I've already been asked. And that's wonderful news about Hermione I hope you guys have a great time. You don't need to thank me, just make sure she has a good time."

Krum smiled "I vill, but if there is anything I can do please ask."

Ginny had started to catch up to Luna when she had a thought. She turned around and yelled after him:

"Hey, wait Viktor!" He turned around. "I know what you can do to help me! That is if you still want to, you don't need to, I don't mind."

"Of course I do Ginny. Vat can I help you vith?" He asked eagerly.

"My friend back there, her name is Luna. She's in the same year as me and I'm pretty sure no one is going to ask her to the ball. I really want her to be there, so if one of your friends like you mentioned before could ask her that would be amazing. They don't even have to dance with her; she doesn't like traditional dancing much. But I just really want her there."

"Of course." Answered Krum, who was delighted to be able to do something to repay Ginny.

"Perfect," Smiled Ginny. "It means a lot. Thank you."

"No problem." He said and started walking back up to the Durmstrang ship. "You two make a good couple." Krum said over his shoulder.

"Ginny blushed as red as her hair. "Oh! We're not, well, you know- together or anything- you know---" Krum apparently wasn't listening. 

Hi Guys!

 I'm so happy! My class is playing kahoots and card games all day and it's so much fun!

To anyone who ever reads this thank you, i love you, stay safe.

-Neo :)

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