School (Chapter 4)

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 Chapter 4


"Wake up!" my mother yelled. It seemed like my head had just hit the pillow when my mom was yelling at me to wake up. I laid there for a moment still held in place by my exhaustion.

"Jason! Mason! Wake up!" she yelled again.

"Yeah, we're up!" I yelled back, groggily pulling the covers off and slipping out of my bed. Mason still snored in his bed. Morning was never a good time for him. His blankets were over his head, and one if his arms and one of his legs were hanging over the side if the bed uncovered.

I got up and went to the bathroom, letting Mason sleep for a little while longer. We had our own bathroom in our room, so it only took a few steps to get there.

I looked at the skinny faced boy in the mirror. He looked young and tired, and his black hair stuck up in the air at random places.  I leaned over to turn on the facet and the boy in the mirror did the same. I ran my hand under the water and used my damp hands to wet down my hair. It hardly helped my hair, but it was as good as I could do. Before I left the room Ilooked at myself in the mirror a moment longer. My hair was sleek and black, and honestly it didn't look that bad. It just got out of hand sometimes. My hair also made me unique. I was the only person in my entire family with black hair. I didn't know how it happened and neither did they. I liked my hair but my mother hated it. It just gave her another reason to like Mason more.

After my hair was manageable I started getting ready. I got into my closet and my dresser, and picked out a clean outfit. I chose a simple T-shirt and some jeans. Today I just didn't feel like dressing up. My mom might get mad, but it was the last day of school before thanksgiving break and I just didn't care. She would have to deal with it.

After I was fully dressed I picked up my pillow and lightly threw it at Mason. I heard a short, surprised, muffled "Hey!", before Mason emerged from the covers.

"It's time to get up!" I yelled, pouncing onto his bed. "It's the last day of school, and you have that all exciting basketball game to play in!"

"Wake me up when it’s over." he said, pulling the covers back over his head.

"Come on, don't be like that." I said, pulling the covers back off his head.

"Stop." he whined, pulling the blanket back to its original position, but I ignored him and pulled the covers off yet again. "Stop!” he yelled, in a serious and angry voice, but I wasn't affected. As he pulled the covers up over his head yet again I stopped it halfway and yanked it all the way off his body. His groggy eyes and tired expression suddenly looked more alert and awake. He now had something else to concentrate on besides how tired he was. Anger was always the best way to wake someone up. It got your blood pumping and your mind working, and it was exactly what I was aiming to do.

Before I could be too proud of myself Mason dove at me, tackling me to the floor. We hit the ground hard, and the air was knocked out of me. My brother was a great deal stronger than me because of all the sports he played, but I was not about ready to give up. Mason may have been stronger, but I was faster. I was a scrapper, and even if I couldn't beat him I could escape.

Before Mason could trap my arms and pin me down I freed my legs, and used them to gently push him off me. In his drowsy state he was slow and weak, and I was going to take advantage of that as long as I could. I jumped up as quickly as I could, and shot into the hallway. Mason was slow to recover. He slowly got up and tried to chase after me.

The hallway had wood flooring, and my bare feet stuck to it, making it easier to run. Mason was hot on my tail, but his socks slipped and couldn't gain purchase the shiny wood. He crashed to the floor, cursing under his breath. I laughed at him and ran around the corner, where the floor changed to carpet.

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