4- acceptance and jake

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when i end the last chapter on a cliff hanger ahaha.

For the sake of my sanity, lets say dream and george are both 20.

no tw for this chapter :)

Clays body froze. He stared at his bright screen in disbelief. George had messaged him back. George. Messaged him. Holy shit. He started to panic even more now. What if George rejected him? What if? What if? What if? His mind raced for what felt like hours even if it had only been a few seconds. But, what if he accepted him? Clay had no idea what to do. Does he open it? No it's too soon. But if he leaves it for too long he'll come off as uninterested. shit shit shit shit shit. oh dear god what do i do? what do i do?

He decides to answer.


George had sent out his reply to dream. Hopefully he wasn't reconsidering because his application was perfect. George laid his phone symmetrically on his desk, in line with everything else. He would be lying if he said he didn't have a touch of ocd. Ever since he was a kid, his room was always spotless and perfect. His parents definitely thought something was wrong with him. What sane 7 year old boy file folds his clothes and colour coordinated them in his dresser drawers? Exactly.

After thinking about god knows what for 10 minutes, he gets out of his chair and decides to go downstairs for a snack. He carefully made his way his wood staircase, making a point not to trip and fall to his death. Again, worst case scenarios constantly ran through his head so the idea of him tripping down the stairs was devastating. Although, the worst that would happen is a broken bone. Once he was safely downstairs with no broken bones or death, he grabbed a granola bar and sat at his extremely clean island. After he was finished eating, he threw away his wrapper and vigorously cleaned the area at which he sat. Before he could return upstairs however, his doorbell rang.

He swiftly made his way over to his front door and unlocked it before swinging it open to see his boyfriend Jake with a single rose in his grasp. "Surprise my love."


"Hello dream! I am very intrigued by your application and if you're still up for it, I can't wait to get started. I'm excited to get to know you further and I can't wait to see your coding skills. I think we're gonna be a great team :].  -George"

oh my god.

he accepted.

Dream was overwhelmed with emotion. He felt extremely happy but also insanely scared. Absolutely fucking terrified. He actually got the chance to work with George. The  George.  The same George that the was completely in love with, but again, he didn't know. Just then, his phone dinged, notifying him that George had tweeted once more. He raced over to check what it was, and of course, be one of the first likes. Maybe it was about him. Maybe it's a tweet saying that George had found a coding partner, that partner being Clay. He was instead faced with a photo. A photo of a very happy George clinging on to a man with a single rose in his hand. His tweet was captioned, "Guess who's home"


word count (568)

alright theres that.

this is very fun to write. i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i like writing it.

have a good day/night and i shall see you soon <3

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