The truth

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Luke's POV
After the first doctors appointment to see if Heather was pregnant later hanna texted me and said she needed some time to think and process all of this and would talk to me when she's ready. I told her ok and that I loved her and would be here for her when she's ready.

It's been a few days and Hanna texted me and asked if we could meet for lunch today. I said yes and was now on my way to the restaurant.

"Hey" I said as I sat across from Hanna at the table. "Hi" she said. "How are you" I asked. "I'm good how are you" she asked. "I'm okay" I said. "Um I needed some time to myself to think if I wanted to keep doing this or end our marriage because it was hard enough you cheated on me and even harder that the girl you cheated on me with is pregnant" she said. "Are you saying you want to get a divorce" I asked. "I was thinking about it but then I thought about our kids and all the happy moments we've had together as a couple and a family and I don't want to give that up"she said. "I'm so sorry I put us through this and I've going to spend the rest of my life making up for it" I said. "I know, it just hurts that you could be having a child with another woman" She said. "I'm so sorry baby but I love you and only you. I know I broke your trust and your heart but I'm going to work on it and get it back" i said. "Ok" She said.

The waitress came and took our orders. "So where do you see our lives next year" i asked. "Hopefully back to how it used to be six months ago. We were a happy family and had so much fun together" she said. "We did" I said smiling. "What about you" she asked. "Back in the house spending time with my family and wife" I said. "Sounds nice" she said. "You think it'll actually happen" I asked. "Maybe" she said. "Are we telling the parents or waiting until the baby is born" she asked. "I don't know I feel like it's not right to tell them you have another grand child when it's born but then I don't want to tell them and it not be mine" I said. "I told my mom about the cheating but I haven't told her about the pregnancy" she said. "I haven't even told my dad that I cheated. He's going to be so mad when he finds out" I said. "I think we should tell them" she said. "Yeah we should but how? Maybe over dinner or just say it and leave" I asked. "Probably just tell him, I don't think there will be a dinner after you tell him" she said. "True" I said. "Will you tell him with me" I asked. "Sure" she said.

Hannas POV
Coincidentally Luke's dad was dropping off Lily's doll she forgot a few days ago over his house and today was Luke's day to pick up the kids from school and they would be coming over the house around the same time.

"Hi" I said opening the door. "Hey Hanna" Luke's dad said walking in the house. "The kids should be home from school any minute if you want to see them" I said. "Oh yea, I'll wait til they get here" he said sitting on the chair. "Would you like something to drink" I asked. "No thank you I'm fine" he said.

A few minutes later the front door opened and the kids and Luke came in. "Grandpa" lily screamed running to him. "Hi lily" he said hugging her. "Grandpa has a something for you" he said to her. "What is it" she asked smiling. Then he pulled out her doll and gave it to her. "My dolly" she said. "Thank you grandpa" she said. "Your welcome" he said smiling. He said hi and talked to all the other kids before they went upstairs to do homework. "I didn't know you were coming over dad" luke said. "Hanna didn't tell you" he asked. "No she did not" luke said looking at me. "You were picking up the kids plus didn't you have to tell him something anyways" I said to him. "Oh yeah I did" he said sitting next to me on the couch. "What'd you want to talks to me about son" he asked. "Um well I made a terrible mistake a few months ago that I really regret and will always regret for the rest of my life" luke said. "Okay what did you do" he asked. "I slept with another women and possibly got her pregnant" luke said. "YOU DID WHAT" he asked standing up now. "Dad keep your voice down the kids are upstairs" he said. "How could you do that to her I thought you loved her" he said walking back and forth. "I do love her, I was drunk and it just happened" he said. "You forgave him" he asked me. "No I have not, we are separated right now and trying to work on our marriage" I said. "I've been at a hotel for the past few months" luke said. "You deserve to be at a hotel I can't believe you would do something like this" he said.  "I know dad but I'm try to earn her forgiveness and I'll try for the rest of my life" luke said. "The woman is possibly pregnant too" he asked. "Yes but we're not sure if it's mine" luke said. "Have you talked to this girl since then" he asked. "Yes but only about the baby and Hanna is always there when I'm talking to her" luke said. "Your willing to make it work even if that child is his? A constant reminder of what he did" he asked. "Dad you make it sound like you don't want us to be together" luke said. "I don't think you deserve, I think she should leave you. You hurt her in one of the worst ways possible but luckily you have a good women here that is willing to forgive" he said. "It hurts and still does but I don't want to give up what we have and had before all of this happened" I said. "I'm very disappointed in you son, I did not raise you to be a cheater" he said. "I know dad I'm sorry" luke said. "Have you told the kids they might have a half sibling" he asked. "No were going to wait until the baby is born so we can get a dna test" I said. "I can't believe this" he said shaking his head. "Does your mother know" he asked. "Yes but she doesn't know about the pregnancy, I haven't told her yet" I said. "What does she think of this" he asked. "She's upset about it and disappointed in luke but will support whatever I decide to do" I said. "I will too even if you too get a divorce I will always think of you as family" he said. "Thank you" I said. "Anytime, I'm going to go now. If you need anything let me know I'm here" he said. "Thank you" I said. "I will let myself out, good bye hanna" he said. "Bye" I said before he walked to the front door and left.

"Well that's great my father will barely speak to me" luke said. "I don't blame him you did something terrible" I said. "I don't need you adding on to how bad I feel" he said. "I'm just saying luke. How would you feel if one of our sons cheated on his wife" I said. "Probably the same way my dad felt" he said. "Exactly, just give him some time" I said. "Thank you" He said. "For what" i asked. "For being an amazing person, I will never ever do this again and will make it up to you for the rest of my life" he said. "Your welcome and you better, now go to the hotel and get some rest and stop stressing we'll figure it all out" I said grabbing his hands trying to pull him off the couch. "Together" he asked. "Together" I said smiling. "Now get out" I said. "Ok ok I'm going" he said standing up. "Tell the kids I said good bye and I love them" he said. "I will" I said walking to the front door. "Good bye Hanna" he said opening the door and walking outside. "Goodbye luke" I said before closing the door.

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