Plans for the future

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Luke's POV
It's been two weeks since I moved back in the house and last week the paternity test results came back. I am not the father and I haven't spoken to Heather since I found out the news. I'm thankful that the news didn't turn out differently because this would've hurt my family and our kids.

"Hi honey" Hanna said walking into my office at home. "Hey baby come here" I said smiling. "What you up to" Hanna asked sitting on my lap. "Doing a little work, what were you doing" I said. "Watching tv" she said. "These two weeks have been amazing for me, I'm so glad I'm back home with my family" I said. "Me too, I'm glad everything's over with heather and we found out the results" she said. "Yeah now we can just move forward and live a happy life together" I said. "I hope that little boy finds out who his actual father is, he's innocent in all this and doesn't deserve to not know his father" she said. "Yeah your right" I said. "I hope the best for that little boy" she said. "I do too" I said. "I was thinking we go on a vacation this summer" I said. "What did you have in mind" she asked. "I don't know maybe Disney land, the kids have never been there" I said. "That's not a bad idea the kids would probably love it" she said smiling. "We have some time to think about it so we don't have to do anything now. I just wanted to see what you think about the idea" I said. "I like the idea and I think the kids would too" she said. "But on another note our daughter is turning 16 soon" she said. "Oh don't remind me, she's still my little girl and she'll always be my little girl" I said. "I know but she's getting older and we're going to start having to worry about boys and giving her some independence" she said. "I know I know and I don't mind giving her some independence but I don't even want to think about boys. Are we going to get her a car" I said. "I don't know do you think she's ready for one" she asked. "Of course she's responsible and I think if we start teaching her or put her in driving school she'll be ready" I said. "Let's talk to her about it see if she wants to start driving and see if she's ready" she said. "And see what she wants to do for her birthday" I said. "Yeah, alright I'm gonna let you get some work done. I'm gonna go check on the kids" she said standing up. "I love you" I said. "I love you too" she said smiling before she gave me a kiss.

Later that day
Kayla's POV
I was in my room texting my friend when I got a text from dad to come downstairs. "Am I in trouble" I asked when I got downstairs. "Do you have something to be in trouble for" mom asked. "No" I said. "Then no your not in trouble, come sit down we want to talk to you about something" mom said. "Your turning 16 soon and we want to know what you wanna do for your birthday" dad said. "I don't know, I haven't really thought about it" I said. "Would you want to have a sweet 16 party" mom asked. "Yeah that sounds cool" I said smiling. "You could invite friends and family. You can pick a color scheme and decorate however you want too" mom said. "So you wanna have a sweet 16" dad asked. "Yeah" I said. "Are you sure, you don't have to do that, we can do something else" he said. "No I want to do that" I said. "Ok we gotta figure out where you want to have it and want kind of decorations you want but we can talk about it some more later we don't want to bore your dad" mom said. "You know I don't know nothing about decorating and planning things. That's your thing honey, remember our wedding it was amazing you did such a good job" dad said. "It was beautiful but I had a wedding planners help, anyways there's one more thing we want to talk to you about" mom said. "How do feel about driving, do you think your ready for that" dad asked. "Yeah I think I'm ready" i said. "Driving is a big responsibility and we don't want to teach you how to start driving if your not ready" dad said. "I know dad" I said. "Ok me and your mom are going to look for driving schools and next weekend I'll take you to a parking lot and let you get the feel of using the gas and the brake" dad said. "Ok cool" I said smiling. "Oh my baby's getting too old, your gonna start driving this year" mom said coming over and hugging me. "Mom it's part of life I'm suppose to grow up" I said. "I know and I'm proud of you and the young lady your becoming" she said. "Me too sweetheart" he said. "Thank you" I said. "Alright you can go that's all we wanted to talk to you about" he said. "Ok" I said before getting up and going to the kitchen to get a water.

Hannas POV
"We're really good parents" I said. "I know we are and we have really good kids" luke said. "Yeah we do" I said. "So do you want to hire a party planner for Kayla's sweet 16" he asked. "I don't think so, I think I want to plan and do this whole thing myself" I said. "You got this, You'll do amazing I know you will babe" he said. "Thank you honey" I said. "I'm gonna start a bath for you my love" he said. "Are you gonna join me" I asked. "You already know it" he said smiling.

Sorry I haven't posted lately, I've been really busy these past couple of weeks but I will try to post more. Let me know what you want to see happen in Hanna and Luke's relationship and their family.

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