Will i regret this?

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6 months later. Hannas POV
These six months have been, how should I put it? very different. The youngest twins started kindergarten about 3 months ago. It was hard for them to get used to it and they cried the first week but they started to like it and every time I pick them up from school they can't wait to tell me about their day and how much fun they had.

Me and Luke's relationship is getting better. Next month will be a whole year me and Luke have been separated I guess you could say. He still doesn't live at the house and we haven't even kissed but we're still married and he still sees the kids. We've still been going on dates once a week and he's trying to make up for cheating on me and I see he's putting in the effort but I'm not ready yet to forgive him. I feel like if I forgive him now it's going to hurt me and bring back all that pain if when the baby is born it's his. Maybe it'll be easier to forgive him if I don't have a constant living reminder of what he did.

Heathers close to her due date, she has a few weeks left and the baby could be here any day. We found out she's having a boy and she had a baby shower with her friends and family. She wanted luke to go but he didn't want to and I didn't want him to. I feel like he shouldn't get attached to this baby because we're not sure it's his.

"Hello" I said as I answered the phone. "Hey baby" luke said. "Hi" I said. "What you doing" he asked. "Outside with the kids in the backyard. What are you doing" I asked. "At the office stopped in to do some work" he said. "How long you gonna be there" I asked. "About an hour. What do you wanna do for our date tonight" he asked. "I was hoping we could stay in and you come over" I said. "Yeah that's fine with me. Wanna order takeout or want me to cook" he asked. "As much as I enjoy your cooking, let's order something" I said. "Ok what are you thinking" he asked. "I don't know I'll see what the kids want" I said. "Is this family night or date night" he asked. "What do you want it to be" I asked. "Whatever is fine with me honey" he said. "I don't want the kids to get the wrong idea if we're spending time together you know" I said. "Yeah I understand. Whatever your comfortable with is fine with me" he said. "Ok I'll text you later and let you know what the plan is" I said. "Ok goodbye" he said. "Bye" I said.

Later that day
I texted luke and told him I was ordering pasta when he comes over and if 7 was a good time. He said it was a good time and he'd bring dessert.
"Liam get the door it should be your dad" I said. "Hey Liam" I heard luke say as he entered the house. "Hi dad" liam said hugging him. "How have you been son" luke asked. "Good I've been studying for my math test next week" Liam said. "I already know your going to do great on your test" luke said. "Thanks dad" Liam said. "Liam can you go get your siblings and tell them to come down here" I asked him. "Yep" Liam said then went upstairs. "Hello beautiful" luke said walking in the kitchen. "Hi handsome" I said smiling. "Family night" luke asked. "Yeah I thought it'd be good to spend some time with the kids" I said. "I'm happy you'll let us spend time together as a family" luke said. "Don't get the wrong idea, we're not back together" I said. "Yet but I won't get the wrong idea and I'll let the kids know if they ask" luke said. "I brought cookies" luke said. "Ooo what kind" I said smiling. "A variety pack, I stopped at the store on my way here" luke said.

The food came and we ate dinner and watched a movie as a family. We all had fun and a good time. It was about 9 or 10 when the movie was over and some of the kids had fallen asleep. "I'll help you put the kids to bed" luke said. "Ok" I said as I turned the tv off. The kids who weren't alseep went in their room and the kids that were we took them to there rooms instead of waking them up. I told the kids Goodnight and not to stay up super late. On the weekends we don't give the kids a bedtime because they don't have a reason to wake up early in the morning so we let them go to bed whenever and wake up whenever they want.

"Thanks for helping me put the kids to bed" I said leaning against the island in the kitchen. "No problem and thank you for tonight I really enjoyed it" luke said standing across from me. "I did too and I'm sure the kids enjoyed spending time with both of their parents again" I said. "Yeah hopefully we can get back to being together again soon" luke said walking towards me. "Yeah maybe" I said as he came closer and put his hand on the side of my face. We were looking at each other when he kissed me. I pulled back because I was shocked. "I'm sorry I should've asked" luke said but I cut him off by kissing him. He kissed me back and put his hands on my hips. We started making out as he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him so he could sit me on the island. "You want me to stop" he asked after we pulled apart. "No" I said. "What do you want me to do" he asked. "I want you to take me upstairs" I said. "Don't have to tell me twice" he said before he picked me up and took me upstairs.

He laid me on the bed then shut the door and locked it. He took off his shirt then got on top of me and we started making out again. "Are you sure you want to do this baby" luke asked me after we were catching our breaths. "Yes I'm sure" I said before taking off my hoodie. I don't know if I was just horny or was actually ready to be intimate with him and forgive him but I wasn't sure what was having me feel the way I was feeling right now.

We took off the rest of our clothes then luke started kissing my neck and leaving hickeys. "Your so beautiful, I love u so much" he said. "I need you luke right now please" I said grinding against him. He stopped kissing my neck and positioned himself at my entrance. Then he thrusted into me. it's been a while since either of us has had sex and of course I missed my husband and being intimate with him. I know he feels the same way, I don't know if I'll regret this in the morning but right now this is what I wanted and needed.

"You feel so good baby" he said. "Faster" I moaned. He started moving faster and we were both reaching our climaxes. A few minutes later we had both released, he pulled out of me and went to grab a towel. He cleaned us off then got in the bed and wrapped his arms around me. I cuddled up next to him as I was getting tired. "I love you so much" he said kissing my cheek. "I love you too" I said before I fell asleep.

Next morning
I woke up the next morning to a phone ringing. I looked at my nightstand and saw it wasn't my phone. I shook luke to wake him up. "Hey your phones ringing" I said. He sat up, grabbed his phone and answered it. It's hard for me to go back to sleep once I've been woken up so I sat up and leaned against the headboard instead of laying back down and trying to go to sleep. "Is everything ok" I asked as I heard him tell whoever was on the phone that he'd be on his way before hanging up. "Heathers water broke and she's having contractions. The baby's coming" he said.

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