Part 3- little prodigy

903 38 16

(Written by Luna)

I walk to rehearsals with my head down and thinking. Lost in my thoughts and not noticing if anyone was around me. I hear the faint sound of talking but I just continue to walk with my head down. Why did I have that dream? It's so confusing...


I walk into something and I take a couple of steps back as I notice it's someone and I nod my head as an apology as I go to walk around them but instead have a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see it's Miyuki smirking again.

I smile awkwardly as I look away, don't look at him. "Don't you have practice to get to?" I ask as I look to him and then away again. Ugh, what the hell is wrong with me? I'm a guy. Not some flippant girl that will swoon to some guy! Well.. shut up inner voice.

"Woah! The little prodigy is spaced out," I hear someone say and I shake my head, before craning my head to see the shortstop. "I have a name," I say as I notice the majority of the rest of the team look shocked. I see Haruichi wave to me and I smile a bit before giving him a little wave.

I look to my left shoulder and remember Miyuki had his hand there. I didn't even remember or mind it. I back away a bit before looking a bit confused and then walking off. I pull at my tie lightly as I hope this passes.

"Sawamura!" I hear as I jump a little and look back. A baseball I recognise all too well in Miyuki's hand, you dropped this. I walk back as the team looks at me surprised, "how did you get this? That's normally in my room," I say as I see a slightly light in his eyes.

"Maybe the fact some girls from your dorm thought I gave you it and "returned" it~," he says as I blush slightly and put my hand out for it but he pulls his hand away. I take a step back and glare at him. "Why did those girls think that?" He asks as I sigh and reach for the baseball again but he chucks it to the shortstop as I glare at them both.

"How would I know!? Now give me back what's mine! Or do I need to fight for it?" I say as I regret the last part of what I said. He knows I can pitch. Fuck! Stupid, idiot! You have rehearsals and now you are in this mess.

"How about, you pitch for a practice?~," he says while smirking and I grit my teeth.

"I've never pitched before. I just keep that, for sentimental value," I say as Miyuki walks closer to me as I walk back a bit. "Liar," he says as I gulp and regain my composure. "I'm not lying. What you saw before, that was a fluke!" I say as I glare him in the eyes before walking past him and putting my hand out as a gesture for the ball to the shortstop.

He gives me it as I walk off and glare at Miyuki as I walk off. "I don't pitch! Understandable Miyuki Kazuya?! Just leave me alone," I shout as I walk to the music hall like nothing happened after I calmed down.

I feel I heard Miyuki say something as I left. Something like:

"You do but you are hiding~ Ei~,"

He didn't say it though, I'm just delusional and hearing things like I normally do with music. As if I like him... I don't though! He's an asshole and arrogant! I walk away fiddling with the baseball in my hand on the way to rehearsals.


School is finally over and evening rehearsals as well. I keep bumping into people in the baseball team and I'm now convinced it's intentional.

"Kyahaha, Sawamura again. What the hell! I never noticed how often the music and sports department schedules clash," the shortstop says as I grit my teeth. I won't shout at them. I won't. "Sa~wa~mu~ra," I hear right at my ear and I jump back blushing while holding my chest. What the hell..? You know what. I'm sick of this.

I turn to Miyuki and walk closer to him as I grab his baseball uniform and bring his face close to mine while I grit my teeth, "you can't take a hint can you Miyuki Kazuya! I'm avoiding you! Don't sneak up on someone unless you want them to hurt you next time!" I let go of him and turn away as I seem shocked at my actions.

I growl slightly to myself as I put a hand over my face, "what the hell is wrong with me!?" I practically stomp away as I hear snickers and someone getting slapped across the head.

There is something highly wrong with me. I slam my door shut and even lock it. I want to be alone. I pull out my noise-cancelling headphones and cover my ears as I just sit there with them on. After a bit, I just, let all the words out. I shout and sing words I couldn't bring myself to say. I lay down and look at the ceiling as I smile slightly.

What would happen if I was gay? Would anyone care?! No... just look at the majority of the baseball team and they're gay.

I mainly play music with girls.. what if I just hide the fact I'm gay by dating one of them? But didn't I also just say who would care? Wait...

I just admitted to myself that I'm gay.

I pull the headphones off my head and I swing my door open and see a good majority of the music students there. "My door will be closed from now on. Practice and such," I say as I shove my hands in my pockets and walk calmly until everyone was out of my sight and then I look around and see no one. I walk a bit quicker and mumbling to myself.

I walk quickly and end up walking around the outskirts of the school. Seeing the baseball team still practising, I grip my hair slightly as I walk. Gaining me looks from many of the team as I'm still mumbling to myself. I just want to punch something. I throw my hands up in the air as I shout a couple of lyrics and then fall silent and stop. Standing perfectly still. "If I'm gay. Does that mean I may have.." I stop myself and cover my mouth.

I try all my techniques to calm down, including just pretending to play the violin. None worked and it was starting to get worse as I couldn't find anything to help. If someone hit a baseball over the fence... I could. "No!" I shout before covering my mouth. I am a mess, I lay down on the path and decide it's better than standing.

I close my eyes and hum softly hoping that may calm me down. I then feel a shadow over me and I open my eyes and see Miyuki standing over me. "You okay there little prodigy?~," he says teasingly as my lip twitches. I may kill him. "What would it mean to you? You have practice," I say as I look away and he sits next to me.

Cliffhanger (; Wooooh! Happy new year everyone! Hope 2021 is a better year!! <3

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