Part 6

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(Written by Luna, Alastair and Cris; helped with little sweet things)

I wake up and sit up, groaning as my head is sore. I open my eyes and then snap them shut again as the light from outside is coming through the window. I get up and see my clothes from last night on the floor as I slip them back on and look at the bed.

"Didn't expect you to wake up first," I hear a voice by what I think must be the door as Kuramochi is standing there. I look at him curiously as I hear a quiet yawn from behind Kuramochi to see Ryōsuke, holding Tami who is fast asleep.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I hear movement from the bed and glance over there to see Miyuki sleeping. "Yōichi thought it was best to put you both in Miyuki's room... as we didn't know your room.." Ryōsuke says as I blush brightly and pull out my keycard from my dress pants and hand it to them.

"Next time you don't know, don't put me in the same bed as Miyuki... check my pockets first or even think about what is likely the most expensive room," I say as I take the card back from them as they seem completely shocked and I leave the room stretching as I get in the elevator down the hallway. I go up to my floor and get out before scanning my keycard and entering my room. Falling down the back of the door slowly, I better not have fallen for Miyuki all over again. It could be dangerous...


I'm down in the restaurant again and eating a waffle with butter and strawberry syrup. I guess I've been travelling so long that I am used to breakfasts that aren't as filling as I used to have. I see kuramochi and Ryōsuke entering with Tami clinging to them and shying away from everyone in the restaurant as they take their seats.

I take another bite of my waffle as I hear someone sit in front of me as I peer up at the person to see it's the receptionist. "I was asked to come and check how you are doing by your.. employer," she says as she crosses one leg over the other as I raise an eyebrow at her curiously.

"Is that the case? If so you can tell them I'm doing okay, but I bet you're here for your own agenda?" I say as she blushes a bit and stiffens. I shake my head at her as I look into her blue eyes, "I'm sorry miss but I don't exactly do stuff like that," I say as I wipe my mouth a bit and put my fork and knife down. I stand and turn to her, "though you could easily get most men to fall for you... I don't want anything to do with you," I say as I leave and fix my cuffs as I walk out of the restaurant getting some shocked looks from people.

I keep my eyes down a bit as I bump into someone and looking up into brown eyes, "sorry Miyuki.." I say as he lightly holds my wrist and looks into my eyes. "I think we need to talk Sawamura," he says as I glare into his ever seeming to change eyes.

"If so I'd suggest you come to my room. Though it's more like an apartment honestly," I say as I walk a bit with him still holding my wrist before he lets go and follows me. As I go to the elevator instead of the stairs.

The elevator pings as we exit and I scan my keycard before opening the door for Miyuki to enter. I walk in after him, taking off my shoes and head to the lounge area where I zip up my suitcase and take it to my room. "You can sit where you want!" I shout before turning around with Miyuki standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe a bit.

"I'd rather not," I take a step back as I was shocked and Miyuki just smiles a bit. "I suggest you take a seat, especially if you want to talk," I push him back a bit as I walk past him and take a seat on one of the seats in the lounge. Miyuki sits in the middle of the three-seater.

"So what are you planning on saying to me?" I ask as I clasp my hands and cross my legs. He looks out the large windows that the lounge faces and I see his eyes grow distant. "I didn't play you when we were in high school. I was trying to protect both of our possible careers," I cut him off as I glare at him.

"You realise that isn't a reason! Almost anyone would take either of us for our chosen careers and the fact that Kuramochi and Kominato are married and have a kid proves that!" I shout as he looks to me and nods.

"You want me to be honest?" He asks as I roll my eyes and exaggerate my motions a bit, "yes," I say as he fiddles with his fingers a bit and sighs. "I was scared, you don't realise how many people like you and the chances you have. I would have rather you were with someone that deserves you and your talents," he says as I sit there shocked at his words.

I don't know how to react... it's like my body is frozen, I can't comprehend he said that or that he thought he wasn't good enough. He seems so confident normally. "Eijun... I loved you, that's why I had to let you go," he says as I look to him with a smile on my face. This reminds me of a song...

"Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her, when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hit the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go."

I sing as I look to him and shake my head, "don't let me go. You're more then enough you know," I say as he looks down and laughs humourlessly as I see the reflection of a teardrop onto his trousers.

I stand up before walking in front of him and put my hand on his shoulder, "don't cry, where is the confidence I remember all so well?" I ask as he looks at me and I sit next to him wiping his tears away. He looks straight into my eyes while I hum a bit, "you shouldn't cry, everyone makes mistakes. You just need to learn from them," I say with a smile as he puts his hand on my cheek and I lean into it.

"I'd love for you to stay Miyuki but you have a match that starts in an hour," I say as he kisses me softly before standing up. "Thank you Ei, I'll be seeing you later I presume?" He says as I smile and nod.

I'll just leave this here! Ba bye, for now, hope you enjoyed! Lyrics mentioned are from let her go by passenger

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