Chapter 7

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Sierra’s POV

         It has been a month since my dad got arrested and I moved to London. A month from when I became best friends with One Direction and a month from when my uncle signed me.

         It had been a busy month. The boys had to finish their new album, which was amazing! I had to work on some originals songs and record them and so far I have three songs. Also my leg has fully healed so I can finally walk again.

         We were all now watching this random movie about a hunger game where people kill each other. Britney was also over so Liam, Harry, Zayn, Louis and I were all stuffed on the two couches while Niall and Britney were cuddling on my favorite couch. Those terds!

         Britney has been even more of a bitch as when we first met, and she is about to make me crack and she does not want to make me crack. It’s funny because the boys think I am too nice to Britney, but they have never seen my bad side. Amie got on my bad side…and once she ended up with a shaved head.

         “ I’m borrrreeedd!!” I groaned and Lou kicked me off the couch. “ Hey! Louie! I thought we were friends” I fake cried and he got down and touched my shoulder. “ Balls shot!” I screamed and punched him right in his man hood, He collapsed on the floor while every one laughed…ell except the snotty little bitch but oh well.

                   “ I wanna do something!” I whined and then jumped up. “ Lets go swimming!” I screamed and they all agreed, well almost everybody. “ But my hair will get all messed up!” Brittney whined and I rolled my eyes. When she finally gave in, I cheered and then ran up the stairs and into my room. I put on my plan black bikini top with a red flower pattern bottoms. I grabbed a towel and then went down to the pool.

                   I walked in and only Louis was there. He was waiting for everybody else, but when he saw me, he jumped up and ran over to the diving board. “ Hey lets have a competition!” He shouted and I grinned and walked over to him. While he was explaining his competition to me, everybody else walked into the pool and decided to join our little game.

                   Harry and Liam were the judges and Zayn, Louis, Niall and I were all competing. We had categories and whoever did the best jump according to the topic wins. Brittney just decided to lie on one of the chairs while we played. Although when she took of her shirt, I snorted. “ Hey Brit! Love the eye patch!” I screamed and she gave me death glares. All the boys laughed, I even heard a little chuckle from Niall.

                   “ First category! Super heroes!” Harry piped and I smiled. Louis went first and he did this superman dance thing. Then Niall went and did this weird dance move will screaming random stuff. When we finally got Zayn to go in the water, he did this little wimpy jump and I chuckled.

                   I stepped up on the diving board, and stepped on the back and then had a running start. I jumped at the end, flying through the air. In the middle I did this spider man move and then a front flip and landed smoothly in the water.

                   My head popped out of the water and everyone’s face was shocked. “ Dino wins.” Liam Sais and I did a little happy dance. “ I’m not playing anymore! She’s to good!” Louis whined while Niall was still in shock. “ Where did you learn that?” He said and I smiled. “ I have played every singly sport, that includes diving, and gymnastics!” I grinned and he laughed and then splashed water towards me.  I dodged in and then splashed him back, harder.

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